package odoc-driver

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

OCaml compilation unit

Interface part

type dep = string * Digest.t
type intf = {
  1. mif_hash : string;
  2. mif_path : Fpath.t;
  3. mif_deps : dep list;
val pp_intf : Format.formatter -> intf -> unit

Implementation part

type src_info = {
  1. src_path : Fpath.t;
type impl = {
  1. mip_path : Fpath.t;
  2. mip_src_info : src_info option;
  3. mip_deps : dep list;
val pp_impl : Format.formatter -> impl -> unit

OCaml Compilation unit

type modulety = {
  1. m_name : string;
  2. m_intf : intf;
  3. m_impl : impl option;
  4. m_hidden : bool;

Standalone pages units

type mld = {
  1. mld_path : Fpath.t;
  2. mld_rel_path : Fpath.t;
type md = {
  1. md_path : Fpath.t;
  2. md_rel_path : Fpath.t;
val pp_mld : Format.formatter -> mld -> unit
val pp_md : Format.formatter -> md -> unit

Asset units

type asset = {
  1. asset_path : Fpath.t;
  2. asset_rel_path : Fpath.t;
val pp_asset : Format.formatter -> asset -> unit


Compilation units are associated to libraries, while documentation are associated to package

type libty = {
  1. lib_name : string;
  2. dir : Fpath.t;
  3. archive_name : string option;
  4. lib_deps : Util.StringSet.t;
  5. modules : modulety list;
  6. id_override : string option;
module Lib : sig ... end
type t = {
  1. name : string;
  2. version : string;
  3. libraries : libty list;
  4. mlds : mld list;
  5. assets : asset list;
  6. selected : bool;
  7. remaps : (string * string) list;
  8. other_docs : md list;
  9. pkg_dir : Fpath.t;
  10. doc_dir : Fpath.t;
  11. config : Global_config.t;
val pp : Format.formatter -> t -> unit
val fix_missing_deps : t list -> t list
val mk_mlds : Opam.doc_file list -> mld list * asset list * md list
val of_libs : packages_dir:Fpath.t option -> Util.StringSet.t -> t list

Turns a set of libraries into a map from package name to package

val of_packages : packages_dir:Fpath.t option -> string list -> t list
val remap_virtual : t list -> t list

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