package why3

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
exception BadSyntaxKind of char
type prelude = string list
type prelude_map = prelude Ident.Mid.t
type interface = string list
type interface_map = interface Ident.Mid.t
type blacklist = string list
type printer_mapping = {
  1. lsymbol_m : string -> Term.lsymbol;
  2. vc_term_loc : Loc.position option;
  3. queried_terms : Term.term Wstdlib.Mstr.t;
  4. list_projections : Ident.ident Wstdlib.Mstr.t;
  5. list_fields : Ident.ident Wstdlib.Mstr.t;
  6. list_records : (string * string) list Wstdlib.Mstr.t;
  7. noarg_constructors : string list;
  8. set_str : Ident.Sattr.t Wstdlib.Mstr.t;
type printer_args = {
  1. env : Env.env;
  2. prelude : prelude;
  3. th_prelude : prelude_map;
  4. blacklist : blacklist;
  5. mutable printer_mapping : printer_mapping;
type printer = printer_args -> ?old:Stdlib.in_channel -> Task.task Pp.pp
val get_default_printer_mapping : printer_mapping
val register_printer : desc:Pp.formatted -> string -> printer -> unit
val lookup_printer : string -> printer
val list_printers : unit -> (string * Pp.formatted) list
val print_prelude : prelude Pp.pp
val print_th_prelude : Task.task -> prelude_map Pp.pp
val print_interface : interface Pp.pp
val meta_syntax_type : Theory.meta
val meta_syntax_logic : Theory.meta
val meta_syntax_literal : Theory.meta
val meta_remove_prop : Theory.meta
val meta_remove_logic : Theory.meta
val meta_remove_type : Theory.meta
val meta_realized_theory : Theory.meta
val syntax_type : Ty.tysymbol -> string -> bool -> Theory.tdecl
val syntax_logic : Term.lsymbol -> string -> bool -> Theory.tdecl
val syntax_literal : Ty.tysymbol -> string -> bool -> Theory.tdecl
val remove_prop : Decl.prsymbol -> Theory.tdecl
val check_syntax_type : Ty.tysymbol -> string -> unit
val check_syntax_logic : Term.lsymbol -> string -> unit
type syntax_map = (string * int) Ident.Mid.t
val get_syntax_map : Task.task -> syntax_map
val add_syntax_map : Theory.tdecl -> syntax_map -> syntax_map
val get_rliteral_map : Task.task -> syntax_map
val add_rliteral_map : Theory.tdecl -> syntax_map -> syntax_map
val query_syntax : syntax_map -> Ident.ident -> string option
val syntax_arity : string -> int
val syntax_arguments_prec : string -> (int -> 'a Pp.pp) -> int list -> 'a list Pp.pp
val syntax_arguments : string -> 'a Pp.pp -> 'a list Pp.pp
val gen_syntax_arguments_prec : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> string -> (Stdlib.Format.formatter -> int -> char option -> int -> unit) -> int list -> unit
val syntax_arguments_typed_prec : string -> (int -> Term.term Pp.pp) -> Ty.ty Pp.pp -> Term.term -> int list -> Term.term list Pp.pp
val syntax_arguments_typed : string -> Term.term Pp.pp -> Ty.ty Pp.pp -> Term.term -> Term.term list Pp.pp
val syntax_range_literal : ?cb:Number.int_constant Pp.pp option -> string -> Number.int_constant Pp.pp
val syntax_float_literal : string -> Number.float_format -> Number.real_constant Pp.pp
val on_syntax_map : (syntax_map -> 'a Trans.trans) -> 'a Trans.trans
val sprint_tdecl : ('a -> Stdlib.Format.formatter -> Theory.tdecl -> 'a * string list) -> Theory.tdecl -> ('a * string list) -> 'a * string list
val sprint_decl : ('a -> Stdlib.Format.formatter -> Decl.decl -> 'a * string list) -> Theory.tdecl -> ('a * string list) -> 'a * string list
exception UnsupportedType of Ty.ty * string
exception UnsupportedTerm of Term.term * string
exception UnsupportedDecl of Decl.decl * string
exception NotImplemented of string
val unsupportedType : Ty.ty -> string -> 'a
val unsupportedTerm : Term.term -> string -> 'a
val unsupportedPattern : Term.pattern -> string -> 'a
val unsupportedDecl : Decl.decl -> string -> 'a
val notImplemented : string -> 'a
exception Unsupported of string
val unsupported : string -> 'a
val catch_unsupportedType : (Ty.ty -> 'a) -> Ty.ty -> 'a
val catch_unsupportedTerm : (Term.term -> 'a) -> Term.term -> 'a
val catch_unsupportedDecl : (Decl.decl -> 'a) -> Decl.decl -> 'a

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