package why3

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
val empty_ns : namespace
val ns_find_ts : namespace -> string list -> Ty.tysymbol
val ns_find_ls : namespace -> string list -> Term.lsymbol
val ns_find_pr : namespace -> string list -> Decl.prsymbol
val ns_find_ns : namespace -> string list -> namespace
val import_namespace : namespace -> string list -> namespace
type meta_arg_type =
  1. | MTty
  2. | MTtysymbol
  3. | MTlsymbol
  4. | MTprsymbol
  5. | MTstring
  6. | MTint
  7. | MTid
type meta_arg =
  1. | MAty of Ty.ty
  2. | MAts of Ty.tysymbol
  3. | MAls of Term.lsymbol
  4. | MApr of Decl.prsymbol
  5. | MAstr of string
  6. | MAint of int
  7. | MAid of Ident.ident
type meta = private {
  1. meta_name : string;
  2. meta_type : meta_arg_type list;
  3. meta_excl : bool;
  4. meta_desc : Pp.formatted;
  5. meta_tag : int;
val print_meta_desc : Pp.formatter -> meta -> unit
module Mmeta : sig ... end
module Smeta : sig ... end
module Hmeta : sig ... end
val meta_equal : meta -> meta -> bool
val meta_hash : meta -> int
val register_meta : desc:Pp.formatted -> string -> meta_arg_type list -> meta
val register_meta_excl : desc:Pp.formatted -> string -> meta_arg_type list -> meta
val lookup_meta : string -> meta
val list_metas : unit -> meta list
val meta_range : meta
val meta_float : meta
val meta_projection : meta
val meta_record : meta
type theory = private {
  1. th_name : Ident.ident;
  2. th_path : string list;
  3. th_decls : tdecl list;
  4. th_ranges : tdecl Ty.Mts.t;
  5. th_floats : tdecl Ty.Mts.t;
  6. th_crcmap : Coercion.t;
  7. th_export : namespace;
  8. th_known : Decl.known_map;
  9. th_local : Ident.Sid.t;
  10. th_used : Ident.Sid.t;
and tdecl = private {
  1. td_node : tdecl_node;
  2. td_tag : int;
and tdecl_node =
  1. | Decl of Decl.decl
  2. | Use of theory
  3. | Clone of theory * symbol_map
  4. | Meta of meta * meta_arg list
and symbol_map = {
  1. sm_ty : Ty.ty Ty.Mts.t;
  2. sm_ts : Ty.tysymbol Ty.Mts.t;
  3. sm_ls : Term.lsymbol Term.Mls.t;
  4. sm_pr : Decl.prsymbol Decl.Mpr.t;
module Mtdecl : sig ... end
module Stdecl : sig ... end
module Htdecl : sig ... end
val td_equal : tdecl -> tdecl -> bool
val td_hash : tdecl -> int
type theory_uc = private {
  1. uc_name : Ident.ident;
  2. uc_path : string list;
  3. uc_decls : tdecl list;
  4. uc_ranges : tdecl Ty.Mts.t;
  5. uc_floats : tdecl Ty.Mts.t;
  6. uc_crcmap : Coercion.t;
  7. uc_prefix : string list;
  8. uc_import : namespace list;
  9. uc_export : namespace list;
  10. uc_known : Decl.known_map;
  11. uc_local : Ident.Sid.t;
  12. uc_used : Ident.Sid.t;
val create_theory : ?path:string list -> Ident.preid -> theory_uc
val close_theory : theory_uc -> theory
val open_scope : theory_uc -> string -> theory_uc
val close_scope : theory_uc -> import:bool -> theory_uc
val import_scope : theory_uc -> string list -> theory_uc
val get_namespace : theory_uc -> namespace
val restore_path : Ident.ident -> string list * string * string list
val restore_theory : Ident.ident -> theory
val create_decl : Decl.decl -> tdecl
val add_decl : ?warn:bool -> theory_uc -> Decl.decl -> theory_uc
val add_ty_decl : theory_uc -> Ty.tysymbol -> theory_uc
val add_data_decl : theory_uc -> Decl.data_decl list -> theory_uc
val add_param_decl : theory_uc -> Term.lsymbol -> theory_uc
val add_logic_decl : theory_uc -> Decl.logic_decl list -> theory_uc
val add_ind_decl : theory_uc -> Decl.ind_sign -> Decl.ind_decl list -> theory_uc
val add_prop_decl : ?warn:bool -> theory_uc -> Decl.prop_kind -> Decl.prsymbol -> Term.term -> theory_uc
val attr_w_non_conservative_extension_no : Ident.attribute
val create_use : theory -> tdecl
val use_export : theory_uc -> theory -> theory_uc
type th_inst = {
  1. inst_ty : Ty.ty Ty.Mts.t;
  2. inst_ts : Ty.tysymbol Ty.Mts.t;
  3. inst_ls : Term.lsymbol Term.Mls.t;
  4. inst_pr : Decl.prop_kind Decl.Mpr.t;
  5. inst_df : Decl.prop_kind;
val empty_inst : th_inst
val warn_clone_not_abstract : Loc.position -> theory -> unit
val clone_theory : ('a -> tdecl -> 'a) -> 'a -> theory -> th_inst -> 'a
val clone_export : theory_uc -> theory -> th_inst -> theory_uc
val add_clone_internal : unit -> theory_uc -> theory -> symbol_map -> theory_uc
val meta_coercion : meta
val create_meta : meta -> meta_arg list -> tdecl
val add_meta : theory_uc -> meta -> meta_arg list -> theory_uc
val clone_meta : tdecl -> theory -> symbol_map -> tdecl option
val builtin_theory : theory
val bool_theory : theory
val highord_theory : theory
val tuple_theory : int -> theory
val tuple_theory_name : string -> int option
val add_decl_with_tuples : theory_uc -> Decl.decl -> theory_uc
type bad_instance =
  1. | BadI of Ident.ident
  2. | BadI_ty_vars of Ty.tysymbol
  3. | BadI_ty_ner of Ty.tysymbol
  4. | BadI_ty_impure of Ty.tysymbol
  5. | BadI_ty_arity of Ty.tysymbol
  6. | BadI_ty_rec of Ty.tysymbol
  7. | BadI_ty_mut_lhs of Ty.tysymbol
  8. | BadI_ty_mut_rhs of Ty.tysymbol
  9. | BadI_ty_alias of Ty.tysymbol
  10. | BadI_field of Ty.tysymbol * Term.vsymbol
  11. | BadI_field_type of Ty.tysymbol * Term.vsymbol
  12. | BadI_field_ghost of Ty.tysymbol * Term.vsymbol
  13. | BadI_field_mut of Ty.tysymbol * Term.vsymbol
  14. | BadI_field_inv of Ty.tysymbol * Term.vsymbol
  15. | BadI_ls_type of Term.lsymbol
  16. | BadI_ls_kind of Term.lsymbol
  17. | BadI_ls_arity of Term.lsymbol
  18. | BadI_ls_rs of Term.lsymbol
  19. | BadI_rs_arity of Ident.ident
  20. | BadI_rs_type of Ident.ident
  21. | BadI_rs_kind of Ident.ident
  22. | BadI_rs_ghost of Ident.ident
  23. | BadI_rs_mask of Ident.ident
  24. | BadI_rs_reads of Ident.ident * Term.Svs.t
  25. | BadI_rs_writes of Ident.ident * Term.Svs.t
  26. | BadI_rs_taints of Ident.ident * Term.Svs.t
  27. | BadI_rs_covers of Ident.ident * Term.Svs.t
  28. | BadI_rs_resets of Ident.ident * Term.Svs.t
  29. | BadI_rs_raises of Ident.ident * Ident.Sid.t
  30. | BadI_rs_spoils of Ident.ident * Ty.Stv.t
  31. | BadI_rs_oneway of Ident.ident
  32. | BadI_xs_type of Ident.ident
  33. | BadI_xs_mask of Ident.ident
exception NonLocal of Ident.ident
exception BadInstance of bad_instance
exception CannotInstantiate of Ident.ident
exception CloseTheory
exception NoOpenedNamespace
exception ClashSymbol of string
exception KnownMeta of meta
exception UnknownMeta of string
exception BadMetaArity of meta * int
exception MetaTypeMismatch of meta * meta_arg_type * meta_arg_type
exception RangeConflict of Ty.tysymbol
exception FloatConflict of Ty.tysymbol

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