package why3
type int_value = BigInt.t
val neg_int : int_constant -> int_constant
val abs_int : int_constant -> int_constant
val neg_real : real_constant -> real_constant
val abs_real : real_constant -> real_constant
val compare_real : real_value -> real_value -> int
val int_literal : int_literal_kind -> neg:bool -> string -> int_constant
val real_literal :
radix:int ->
neg:bool ->
int:string ->
frac:string ->
exp:string option ->
val real_value : ?pow2:BigInt.t -> ?pow5:BigInt.t -> BigInt.t -> real_value
type default_format = Format.formatter -> string -> unit
type integer_format = Format.formatter -> BigInt.t -> unit
type real_format =
Format.formatter ->
string ->
string ->
string option ->
type two_strings_format = Format.formatter -> string -> string -> unit
type frac_real_format =
(Format.formatter ->
string ->
* two_strings_format
* two_strings_format
type delayed_format = Format.formatter -> (Format.formatter -> unit) -> unit
type number_support = {
long_int_support : [ `Custom of default_format | `Default ];
negative_int_support : [ `Custom of delayed_format | `Default ];
dec_int_support : [ `Custom of integer_format | `Default | `Unsupported of default_format ];
hex_int_support : [ `Custom of integer_format | `Default | `Unsupported ];
oct_int_support : [ `Custom of integer_format | `Default | `Unsupported ];
bin_int_support : [ `Custom of integer_format | `Default | `Unsupported ];
negative_real_support : [ `Custom of delayed_format | `Default ];
dec_real_support : [ `Custom of real_format | `Default | `Unsupported ];
hex_real_support : [ `Custom of real_format | `Default | `Unsupported ];
frac_real_support : [ `Custom of frac_real_format | `Unsupported of default_format ];
val full_support : number_support
val print_int_constant :
number_support ->
Format.formatter ->
int_constant ->
val print_real_constant :
number_support ->
Format.formatter ->
real_constant ->
val print_in_base : int -> int option -> Format.formatter -> BigInt.t -> unit
val to_small_integer : int_constant -> int
exception OutOfRange of int_constant
val check_range : int_constant -> int_range -> unit
exception NonRepresentableFloat of real_constant
val compute_float : real_constant -> float_format -> BigInt.t * BigInt.t
val check_float : real_constant -> float_format -> unit
sectionYPositions = computeSectionYPositions($el), 10)"
x-init="setTimeout(() => sectionYPositions = computeSectionYPositions($el), 10)"