package why3
val env_tag : env -> Weakhtbl.tag
module Wenv : sig ... end
val base_language : Theory.theory Wstdlib.Mstr.t language
val base_language_builtin : pathname -> Theory.theory Wstdlib.Mstr.t
type !'a format_parser = env -> pathname -> filename -> in_channel -> 'a
exception KnownFormat of fformat
val register_format :
desc:Pp.formatted ->
'a language ->
fformat ->
extension list ->
'a format_parser ->
val list_formats :
'a language ->
(fformat * extension list * Pp.formatted) list
exception InvalidFormat of fformat
exception UnknownFormat of fformat
exception UnknownExtension of extension
val read_channel :
?format:fformat ->
'a language ->
env ->
filename ->
in_channel ->
exception LibraryNotFound of pathname
exception LibraryConflict of pathname
exception TheoryNotFound of pathname * string
val read_theory : env -> pathname -> string -> Theory.theory
sectionYPositions = computeSectionYPositions($el), 10)"
x-init="setTimeout(() => sectionYPositions = computeSectionYPositions($el), 10)"