package why3
module Mvs : sig ... end
module Svs : sig ... end
module Hvs : sig ... end
module Wvs : sig ... end
val vs_hash : vsymbol -> int
val create_vsymbol : Ident.preid -> Ty.ty -> vsymbol
type lsymbol = private {
ls_name : Ident.ident;
ls_args : Ty.ty list;
ls_value : Ty.ty option;
ls_constr : int;
module Mls : sig ... end
module Sls : sig ... end
module Hls : sig ... end
module Wls : sig ... end
val ls_hash : lsymbol -> int
val create_lsymbol :
?constr:int ->
Ident.preid ->
Ty.ty list ->
Ty.ty option ->
val create_fsymbol :
?constr:int ->
Ident.preid ->
Ty.ty list ->
Ty.ty ->
val create_psymbol : Ident.preid -> Ty.ty list -> lsymbol
exception DuplicateVar of vsymbol
exception UncoveredVar of vsymbol
exception BadArity of lsymbol * int
exception FunctionSymbolExpected of lsymbol
exception PredicateSymbolExpected of lsymbol
exception ConstructorExpected of lsymbol
exception InvalidIntegerLiteralType of Ty.ty
exception InvalidRealLiteralType of Ty.ty
exception InvalidStringLiteralType of Ty.ty
type term = private {
t_node : term_node;
t_ty : Ty.ty option;
t_attrs : Ident.Sattr.t;
t_loc : Loc.position option;
and term_node =
| Tvar of vsymbol
| Tconst of Constant.constant
| Tapp of lsymbol * term list
| Tif of term * term * term
| Tlet of term * term_bound
| Tcase of term * term_branch list
| Teps of term_bound
| Tquant of quant * term_quant
| Tbinop of binop * term * term
| Tnot of term
| Ttrue
| Tfalse
and trigger = term list list
val t_hash_strict : term -> int
module Mterm_strict : sig ... end
module Sterm_strict : sig ... end
module Hterm_strict : sig ... end
val t_hash : term -> int
module Mterm : sig ... end
module Sterm : sig ... end
module Hterm : sig ... end
val t_close_bound : vsymbol -> term -> term_bound
val t_close_branch : pattern -> term -> term_branch
val t_close_quant : vsymbol list -> trigger -> term -> term_quant
val t_open_bound : term_bound -> vsymbol * term
val t_open_branch : term_branch -> pattern * term
val t_open_quant : term_quant -> vsymbol list * trigger * term
val t_open_bound_with : term -> term_bound -> term
val t_clone_bound_id : term_bound -> Ident.preid
val t_open_bound_cb :
term_bound ->
vsymbol * term * (vsymbol -> term -> term_bound)
val t_open_branch_cb :
term_branch ->
pattern * term * (pattern -> term -> term_branch)
val t_open_quant_cb :
term_quant ->
vsymbol list
* trigger
* term
* (vsymbol list ->
trigger ->
term ->
val t_peek_bound : term_bound -> Ident.ident
val t_peek_branch : term_branch -> Ident.Sid.t
val t_peek_quant : term_quant -> Ident.ident list
exception TermExpected of term
exception FmlaExpected of term
val check_literal : Constant.constant -> Ty.ty -> unit
val t_const : Constant.constant -> Ty.ty -> term
val t_let : term -> term_bound -> term
val t_case : term -> term_branch list -> term
val t_eps : term_bound -> term
val t_quant : quant -> term_quant -> term
val t_forall : term_quant -> term
val t_exists : term_quant -> term
val t_true : term
val t_false : term
val t_nat_const : int -> term
val t_string_const : string -> term
val stop_split : Ident.attribute
val asym_split : Ident.attribute
val t_attr_set : ?loc:Loc.position -> Ident.Sattr.t -> term -> term
val t_attr_add : Ident.attribute -> term -> term
val t_attr_remove : Ident.attribute -> term -> term
val t_let_simp : term -> term_bound -> term
val t_case_simp : term -> term_branch list -> term
val t_quant_simp : quant -> term_quant -> term
val t_forall_simp : term_quant -> term
val t_exists_simp : term_quant -> term
val ps_equ : lsymbol
val fs_bool_true : lsymbol
val fs_bool_false : lsymbol
val t_bool_true : term
val t_bool_false : term
val fs_tuple : int -> lsymbol
val is_fs_tuple : lsymbol -> bool
val is_fs_tuple_id : Ident.ident -> int option
val fs_func_app : lsymbol
val t_is_lambda : term -> bool
module TermTF : sig ... end
val t_closed : term -> bool
sectionYPositions = computeSectionYPositions($el), 10)"
x-init="setTimeout(() => sectionYPositions = computeSectionYPositions($el), 10)"