package spotlib

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

Execution of some unix commands

val com : string -> string list -> Unix.process_status

com exec args executes the executable file exec with args, printing its stdout and stderr outputs. It waits until the end of the command execution then returns its final process status.

val cp : string list -> Unix.process_status

Run '/bin/cp' with the given arguments

val mv : string list -> Unix.process_status

Run '/bin/mv' with the given arguments

val rm : string list -> Unix.process_status

Run '/bin/rm' with the given arguments

val cat : string list -> Unix.process_status

Run '/bin/cat' with the given arguments

val file : string -> (string option, Unix.process_status) Pervasives.result

Run '/usr/bin/file' with the given arguments. The last line of the stdout is returned if successful.

val grep : string list -> init:'a -> f:(Command.output -> 'a -> 'a) -> 'a * Unix.process_status

Run '/bin/grep' with the given arguments. It folds over the output lines of the execution's stdout and stderr.

val grep_ : string list -> Unix.process_status

Simpler version of grep. Simply returns the final status

val cmp : string -> string -> [> `Different | `Error | `Same ]

Run '/bin/cmp'


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