package spotlib

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type os =
  1. | Unix

    We love

  2. | Win32

    We hate

  3. | Cygwin

    A failed effort of reconcillation

val os : os

The actual OS the program is running on

type t

The type of path

val is_prefix : t -> t -> string list option

is_prefix a b checks a is a perfix of b.

For example,

is_prefix /a/b/c /a/b/c/d/e = Some ["d"; "e"] is_prefix a/b/c a/b/c/d/e = Some ["d"; "e"]

val of_string : os -> string -> t

Parsing. No normalization performed.

val to_string : t -> string


val normalize : t -> t

Normalize the path.

* Drive name capitalization/uncapitalization * Use backslashes in Win32 * Elimination of redundant /./ and /../, if possible.

val is_absolute : t -> bool
val is_relative : t -> bool
val is_root : t -> bool
val dirbase : t -> t * string option

Split the path into its directory and base parts.

If the path is the root, it returns None.

It fails and raises Invalid_argument "dirbase", when the path ends with "..".

val (^/) : t -> string -> t


t ^/ "hello/world"

t ^/ x raises Invalid_argument "(^/)" when x is a string of an absolute path.

val concats : t -> string list -> t


concats t ["hello"; "world"; "good/bye"]

should equal to

t ^/ "hello" ^/ "world" ^/ "good" ^/ "bye"

It raises Invalid_argument "(^/)" when the path components contain an absolute path.

val parent : t -> t
val wrap : os -> (t -> t) -> string -> string
val test : unit -> unit

Innovation. Community. Security.