package spotlib

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type t = {
  1. hour : int;
  2. min : int;
  3. sec : int;

Time. Comparison should work for valid values.

val to_string : t -> string
val is_valid : t -> bool
exception Parse_error
val of_string_exn : string -> t
val of_string : string -> (t, [> `Exn of exn ]) Pervasives.result
val seconds_of_a_day : float
val dsec : t -> float

Seconds from the 00:00:00 of the same day. Named from tm_wday tm_yday

val random : unit -> t

it may return 24:00:00 or hh:mm:60, in addition to the normal times


Innovation. Community. Security.