package spotlib

  1. Overview
  2. Docs


val make1 : char -> string

make1 = String.make 1

val of_char : char -> string

Sysnonym make1


val to_array : string -> char array
val to_code_array : string -> int array


val get_opt : string -> int -> char option
val scani_left : (int -> 'a -> char -> [< `Continue of 'a | `Stop of 'a ]) -> 'a -> ?from:int -> ?to_:int -> string -> 'a
val foldi_left : (int -> 'a -> char -> [< `Continue of 'a | `Stop of 'a ]) -> 'a -> string -> 'a
val replace_chars : char -> char -> string -> string

replace_chars c1 c2 s returns a copy of s with replacing all the char occurrences of c1 by c2.


val chop_eols : string -> string

chop_eols s returns the string s w/o the end-of-line chars. chop from Perl. chop_eols "hello\r\n" = "hello" chop_eols "hello\n" = "hello" chop_eols "hello\r" = "hello" chop_eols "hello" = "hello"


val sub_from_to : string -> int -> int -> string
val sub' : string -> int -> int -> string

Same as String.sub but even if the string shorter for len the function succeeds and returns a shorter substring.

val is_substring : ?from:int -> needle:string -> string -> bool
val is_sub : ?from:int -> needle:string -> string -> bool
val is_prefix : ?from:int -> string -> string -> bool
val is_postfix : string -> string -> bool
val is_prefix' : ?from:int -> string -> string -> string option

Same as prefix but returns the postfix

val is_postfix' : string -> string -> string option

Same as postfix but returns the prefix

val index_from_to : string -> int -> int -> char -> int option
val index_string_from : string -> int -> string -> int
val split_at : int -> string -> string * string

Haskelish string sub

val take : int -> string -> string
val drop : int -> string -> string
val drop_postfix : int -> string -> string
val prefix : int -> string -> string

same as take

val postfix : int -> string -> string


val lines : string -> (string * string) list

lines "hello\nworld\r\ngood\rday" = ["hello", "\n"; "world", "\r\n"; "good", "\r"; "day", ""]

val split : (char -> bool) -> string -> string list

split (function ' ' -> true | _ -> false) "hello world" = ["hello"; "world"]

val split1 : ?from:int -> (char -> bool) -> string -> (string * string) option

Same as split but do the split only once

val words : string -> string list

Split a string into "words" by white characters ' ', '\t', '\r' and '\n'

val index_opt : string -> char -> int option


val find : string -> int -> (char -> bool) -> int option


val random : int -> string
val random_hum : int -> string

human readable


val is_space_or_tab : char -> bool
val is_newline_or_return : char -> bool


module Pervasives : sig ... end


module Set : Xset.S with type elt = String.t

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