package sklearn

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
module DictionaryLearning : sig ... end
module FactorAnalysis : sig ... end
module FastICA : sig ... end
module IncrementalPCA : sig ... end
module KernelPCA : sig ... end
module LatentDirichletAllocation : sig ... end
module MiniBatchDictionaryLearning : sig ... end
module MiniBatchSparsePCA : sig ... end
module NMF : sig ... end
module PCA : sig ... end
module SparseCoder : sig ... end
module SparsePCA : sig ... end
module TruncatedSVD : sig ... end
val dict_learning : ?max_iter:int -> ?tol:float -> ?method_:[ `Lars | `Cd ] -> ?n_jobs:[ `Int of int | `None ] -> ?dict_init:Ndarray.t -> ?code_init:Ndarray.t -> ?callback:[ `Callable of Py.Object.t | `None ] -> ?verbose:bool -> ?random_state:[ `Int of int | `RandomState of Py.Object.t | `None ] -> ?return_n_iter:bool -> ?positive_dict:bool -> ?positive_code:bool -> ?method_max_iter:int -> x:Ndarray.t -> n_components:int -> alpha:int -> unit -> Ndarray.t * Ndarray.t * Ndarray.t * int

Solves a dictionary learning matrix factorization problem.

Finds the best dictionary and the corresponding sparse code for approximating the data matrix X by solving::

(U^*, V^* ) = argmin 0.5 || X - U V ||_2^2 + alpha * || U ||_1 (U,V) with || V_k ||_2 = 1 for all 0 <= k < n_components

where V is the dictionary and U is the sparse code.

Read more in the :ref:`User Guide <DictionaryLearning>`.

Parameters ---------- X : array of shape (n_samples, n_features) Data matrix.

n_components : int, Number of dictionary atoms to extract.

alpha : int, Sparsity controlling parameter.

max_iter : int, Maximum number of iterations to perform.

tol : float, Tolerance for the stopping condition.

method : 'lars', 'cd' lars: uses the least angle regression method to solve the lasso problem (linear_model.lars_path) cd: uses the coordinate descent method to compute the Lasso solution (linear_model.Lasso). Lars will be faster if the estimated components are sparse.

n_jobs : int or None, optional (default=None) Number of parallel jobs to run. ``None`` means 1 unless in a :obj:`joblib.parallel_backend` context. ``-1`` means using all processors. See :term:`Glossary <n_jobs>` for more details.

dict_init : array of shape (n_components, n_features), Initial value for the dictionary for warm restart scenarios.

code_init : array of shape (n_samples, n_components), Initial value for the sparse code for warm restart scenarios.

callback : callable or None, optional (default: None) Callable that gets invoked every five iterations

verbose : bool, optional (default: False) To control the verbosity of the procedure.

random_state : int, RandomState instance or None, optional (default=None) If int, random_state is the seed used by the random number generator; If RandomState instance, random_state is the random number generator; If None, the random number generator is the RandomState instance used by `np.random`.

return_n_iter : bool Whether or not to return the number of iterations.

positive_dict : bool Whether to enforce positivity when finding the dictionary.

.. versionadded:: 0.20

positive_code : bool Whether to enforce positivity when finding the code.

.. versionadded:: 0.20

method_max_iter : int, optional (default=1000) Maximum number of iterations to perform.

.. versionadded:: 0.22

Returns ------- code : array of shape (n_samples, n_components) The sparse code factor in the matrix factorization.

dictionary : array of shape (n_components, n_features), The dictionary factor in the matrix factorization.

errors : array Vector of errors at each iteration.

n_iter : int Number of iterations run. Returned only if `return_n_iter` is set to True.

See also -------- dict_learning_online DictionaryLearning MiniBatchDictionaryLearning SparsePCA MiniBatchSparsePCA

val dict_learning_online : ?n_components:int -> ?alpha:float -> ?n_iter:int -> ?return_code:bool -> ?dict_init:Ndarray.t -> ?callback:[ `Callable of Py.Object.t | `None ] -> ?batch_size:int -> ?verbose:bool -> ?shuffle:bool -> ?n_jobs:[ `Int of int | `None ] -> ?method_:[ `Lars | `Cd ] -> ?iter_offset:int -> ?random_state:[ `Int of int | `RandomState of Py.Object.t | `None ] -> ?return_inner_stats:bool -> ?inner_stats:Py.Object.t -> ?return_n_iter:bool -> ?positive_dict:bool -> ?positive_code:bool -> ?method_max_iter:int -> x:Ndarray.t -> unit -> Ndarray.t * Ndarray.t * int

Solves a dictionary learning matrix factorization problem online.

Finds the best dictionary and the corresponding sparse code for approximating the data matrix X by solving::

(U^*, V^* ) = argmin 0.5 || X - U V ||_2^2 + alpha * || U ||_1 (U,V) with || V_k ||_2 = 1 for all 0 <= k < n_components

where V is the dictionary and U is the sparse code. This is accomplished by repeatedly iterating over mini-batches by slicing the input data.

Read more in the :ref:`User Guide <DictionaryLearning>`.

Parameters ---------- X : array of shape (n_samples, n_features) Data matrix.

n_components : int, Number of dictionary atoms to extract.

alpha : float, Sparsity controlling parameter.

n_iter : int, Number of mini-batch iterations to perform.

return_code : boolean, Whether to also return the code U or just the dictionary V.

dict_init : array of shape (n_components, n_features), Initial value for the dictionary for warm restart scenarios.

callback : callable or None, optional (default: None) callable that gets invoked every five iterations

batch_size : int, The number of samples to take in each batch.

verbose : bool, optional (default: False) To control the verbosity of the procedure.

shuffle : boolean, Whether to shuffle the data before splitting it in batches.

n_jobs : int or None, optional (default=None) Number of parallel jobs to run. ``None`` means 1 unless in a :obj:`joblib.parallel_backend` context. ``-1`` means using all processors. See :term:`Glossary <n_jobs>` for more details.

method : 'lars', 'cd' lars: uses the least angle regression method to solve the lasso problem (linear_model.lars_path) cd: uses the coordinate descent method to compute the Lasso solution (linear_model.Lasso). Lars will be faster if the estimated components are sparse.

iter_offset : int, default 0 Number of previous iterations completed on the dictionary used for initialization.

random_state : int, RandomState instance or None, optional (default=None) If int, random_state is the seed used by the random number generator; If RandomState instance, random_state is the random number generator; If None, the random number generator is the RandomState instance used by `np.random`.

return_inner_stats : boolean, optional Return the inner statistics A (dictionary covariance) and B (data approximation). Useful to restart the algorithm in an online setting. If return_inner_stats is True, return_code is ignored

inner_stats : tuple of (A, B) ndarrays Inner sufficient statistics that are kept by the algorithm. Passing them at initialization is useful in online settings, to avoid losing the history of the evolution. A (n_components, n_components) is the dictionary covariance matrix. B (n_features, n_components) is the data approximation matrix

return_n_iter : bool Whether or not to return the number of iterations.

positive_dict : bool Whether to enforce positivity when finding the dictionary.

.. versionadded:: 0.20

positive_code : bool Whether to enforce positivity when finding the code.

.. versionadded:: 0.20

method_max_iter : int, optional (default=1000) Maximum number of iterations to perform when solving the lasso problem.

.. versionadded:: 0.22

Returns ------- code : array of shape (n_samples, n_components), the sparse code (only returned if `return_code=True`)

dictionary : array of shape (n_components, n_features), the solutions to the dictionary learning problem

n_iter : int Number of iterations run. Returned only if `return_n_iter` is set to `True`.

See also -------- dict_learning DictionaryLearning MiniBatchDictionaryLearning SparsePCA MiniBatchSparsePCA

val fastica : ?n_components:int -> ?algorithm:[ `Parallel | `Deflation ] -> ?whiten:bool -> ?fun_:[ `String of string | `Callable of Py.Object.t ] -> ?fun_args:Py.Object.t -> ?max_iter:int -> ?tol:float -> ?w_init:Py.Object.t -> ?random_state:[ `Int of int | `RandomState of Py.Object.t | `None ] -> ?return_X_mean:bool -> ?compute_sources:bool -> ?return_n_iter:bool -> x:Ndarray.t -> unit -> Py.Object.t * Ndarray.t * Py.Object.t * Ndarray.t * int

Perform Fast Independent Component Analysis.

Read more in the :ref:`User Guide <ICA>`.

Parameters ---------- X : array-like, shape (n_samples, n_features) Training vector, where n_samples is the number of samples and n_features is the number of features.

n_components : int, optional Number of components to extract. If None no dimension reduction is performed.

algorithm : 'parallel', 'deflation', optional Apply a parallel or deflational FASTICA algorithm.

whiten : boolean, optional If True perform an initial whitening of the data. If False, the data is assumed to have already been preprocessed: it should be centered, normed and white. Otherwise you will get incorrect results. In this case the parameter n_components will be ignored.

fun : string or function, optional. Default: 'logcosh' The functional form of the G function used in the approximation to neg-entropy. Could be either 'logcosh', 'exp', or 'cube'. You can also provide your own function. It should return a tuple containing the value of the function, and of its derivative, in the point. The derivative should be averaged along its last dimension. Example:

def my_g(x): return x ** 3, np.mean(3 * x ** 2, axis=-1)

fun_args : dictionary, optional Arguments to send to the functional form. If empty or None and if fun='logcosh', fun_args will take value 'alpha' : 1.0

max_iter : int, optional Maximum number of iterations to perform.

tol : float, optional A positive scalar giving the tolerance at which the un-mixing matrix is considered to have converged.

w_init : (n_components, n_components) array, optional Initial un-mixing array of dimension (n.comp,n.comp). If None (default) then an array of normal r.v.'s is used.

random_state : int, RandomState instance or None, optional (default=None) If int, random_state is the seed used by the random number generator; If RandomState instance, random_state is the random number generator; If None, the random number generator is the RandomState instance used by `np.random`.

return_X_mean : bool, optional If True, X_mean is returned too.

compute_sources : bool, optional If False, sources are not computed, but only the rotation matrix. This can save memory when working with big data. Defaults to True.

return_n_iter : bool, optional Whether or not to return the number of iterations.

Returns ------- K : array, shape (n_components, n_features) | None. If whiten is 'True', K is the pre-whitening matrix that projects data onto the first n_components principal components. If whiten is 'False', K is 'None'.

W : array, shape (n_components, n_components) The square matrix that unmixes the data after whitening. The mixing matrix is the pseudo-inverse of matrix ``W K`` if K is not None, else it is the inverse of W.

S : array, shape (n_samples, n_components) | None Estimated source matrix

X_mean : array, shape (n_features, ) The mean over features. Returned only if return_X_mean is True.

n_iter : int If the algorithm is "deflation", n_iter is the maximum number of iterations run across all components. Else they are just the number of iterations taken to converge. This is returned only when return_n_iter is set to `True`.

Notes -----

The data matrix X is considered to be a linear combination of non-Gaussian (independent) components i.e. X = AS where columns of S contain the independent components and A is a linear mixing matrix. In short ICA attempts to `un-mix' the data by estimating an un-mixing matrix W where ``S = W K X.`` While FastICA was proposed to estimate as many sources as features, it is possible to estimate less by setting n_components < n_features. It this case K is not a square matrix and the estimated A is the pseudo-inverse of ``W K``.

This implementation was originally made for data of shape n_features, n_samples. Now the input is transposed before the algorithm is applied. This makes it slightly faster for Fortran-ordered input.

Implemented using FastICA: *A. Hyvarinen and E. Oja, Independent Component Analysis: Algorithms and Applications, Neural Networks, 13(4-5), 2000, pp. 411-430*

val non_negative_factorization : ?w:Ndarray.t -> ?h:Ndarray.t -> ?n_components:int -> ?init:[ `Random | `Nndsvd | `Nndsvda | `Nndsvdar | `Custom | `None ] -> ?update_H:bool -> ?solver:[ `Cd | `Mu ] -> ?beta_loss:[ `Float of float | `String of string ] -> ?tol:float -> ?max_iter:int -> ?alpha:float -> ?l1_ratio:float -> ?regularization:[ `Both | `Components | `Transformation | `None ] -> ?random_state:[ `Int of int | `RandomState of Py.Object.t | `None ] -> ?verbose:int -> ?shuffle:bool -> x:Ndarray.t -> unit -> Ndarray.t * Ndarray.t * int

Compute Non-negative Matrix Factorization (NMF)

Find two non-negative matrices (W, H) whose product approximates the non- negative matrix X. This factorization can be used for example for dimensionality reduction, source separation or topic extraction.

The objective function is::

0.5 * ||X - WH||_Fro^2

  1. alpha * l1_ratio * ||vec(W)||_1
  2. alpha * l1_ratio * ||vec(H)||_1
  3. 0.5 * alpha * (1 - l1_ratio) * ||W||_Fro^2
  4. 0.5 * alpha * (1 - l1_ratio) * ||H||_Fro^2


||A||_Fro^2 = \sum_,j A_j^2 (Frobenius norm) ||vec(A)||_1 = \sum_,j abs(A_j) (Elementwise L1 norm)

For multiplicative-update ('mu') solver, the Frobenius norm (0.5 * ||X - WH||_Fro^2) can be changed into another beta-divergence loss, by changing the beta_loss parameter.

The objective function is minimized with an alternating minimization of W and H. If H is given and update_H=False, it solves for W only.

Parameters ---------- X : array-like, shape (n_samples, n_features) Constant matrix.

W : array-like, shape (n_samples, n_components) If init='custom', it is used as initial guess for the solution.

H : array-like, shape (n_components, n_features) If init='custom', it is used as initial guess for the solution. If update_H=False, it is used as a constant, to solve for W only.

n_components : integer Number of components, if n_components is not set all features are kept.

init : None | 'random' | 'nndsvd' | 'nndsvda' | 'nndsvdar' | 'custom' Method used to initialize the procedure. Default: 'random'.

The default value will change from 'random' to None in version 0.23 to make it consistent with decomposition.NMF.

Valid options:

  • None: 'nndsvd' if n_components < n_features, otherwise 'random'.
  • 'random': non-negative random matrices, scaled with: sqrt(X.mean() / n_components)
  • 'nndsvd': Nonnegative Double Singular Value Decomposition (NNDSVD) initialization (better for sparseness)
  • 'nndsvda': NNDSVD with zeros filled with the average of X (better when sparsity is not desired)
  • 'nndsvdar': NNDSVD with zeros filled with small random values (generally faster, less accurate alternative to NNDSVDa for when sparsity is not desired)
  • 'custom': use custom matrices W and H

update_H : boolean, default: True Set to True, both W and H will be estimated from initial guesses. Set to False, only W will be estimated.

solver : 'cd' | 'mu' Numerical solver to use:

  • 'cd' is a Coordinate Descent solver that uses Fast Hierarchical Alternating Least Squares (Fast HALS).
  • 'mu' is a Multiplicative Update solver.

.. versionadded:: 0.17 Coordinate Descent solver.

.. versionadded:: 0.19 Multiplicative Update solver.

beta_loss : float or string, default 'frobenius' String must be in 'frobenius', 'kullback-leibler', 'itakura-saito'. Beta divergence to be minimized, measuring the distance between X and the dot product WH. Note that values different from 'frobenius' (or 2) and 'kullback-leibler' (or 1) lead to significantly slower fits. Note that for beta_loss <= 0 (or 'itakura-saito'), the input matrix X cannot contain zeros. Used only in 'mu' solver.

.. versionadded:: 0.19

tol : float, default: 1e-4 Tolerance of the stopping condition.

max_iter : integer, default: 200 Maximum number of iterations before timing out.

alpha : double, default: 0. Constant that multiplies the regularization terms.

l1_ratio : double, default: 0. The regularization mixing parameter, with 0 <= l1_ratio <= 1. For l1_ratio = 0 the penalty is an elementwise L2 penalty (aka Frobenius Norm). For l1_ratio = 1 it is an elementwise L1 penalty. For 0 < l1_ratio < 1, the penalty is a combination of L1 and L2.

regularization : 'both' | 'components' | 'transformation' | None Select whether the regularization affects the components (H), the transformation (W), both or none of them.

random_state : int, RandomState instance or None, optional, default: None If int, random_state is the seed used by the random number generator; If RandomState instance, random_state is the random number generator; If None, the random number generator is the RandomState instance used by `np.random`.

verbose : integer, default: 0 The verbosity level.

shuffle : boolean, default: False If true, randomize the order of coordinates in the CD solver.

Returns ------- W : array-like, shape (n_samples, n_components) Solution to the non-negative least squares problem.

H : array-like, shape (n_components, n_features) Solution to the non-negative least squares problem.

n_iter : int Actual number of iterations.

Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> X = np.array([1,1], [2, 1], [3, 1.2], [4, 1], [5, 0.8], [6, 1]) >>> from sklearn.decomposition import non_negative_factorization >>> W, H, n_iter = non_negative_factorization(X, n_components=2, ... init='random', random_state=0)

References ---------- Cichocki, Andrzej, and P. H. A. N. Anh-Huy. "Fast local algorithms for large scale nonnegative matrix and tensor factorizations." IEICE transactions on fundamentals of electronics, communications and computer sciences 92.3: 708-721, 2009.

Fevotte, C., & Idier, J. (2011). Algorithms for nonnegative matrix factorization with the beta-divergence. Neural Computation, 23(9).

val randomized_svd : ?n_oversamples:Py.Object.t -> ?n_iter:[ `Int of int | `PyObject of Py.Object.t ] -> ?power_iteration_normalizer:string -> ?transpose:[ `Bool of bool | `Auto ] -> ?flip_sign:[ `Bool of bool | `PyObject of Py.Object.t ] -> ?random_state:[ `Int of int | `RandomState of Py.Object.t | `None ] -> m:[ `Ndarray of Ndarray.t | `SparseMatrix of Csr_matrix.t ] -> n_components:int -> unit -> Py.Object.t

Computes a truncated randomized SVD

Parameters ---------- M : ndarray or sparse matrix Matrix to decompose

n_components : int Number of singular values and vectors to extract.

n_oversamples : int (default is 10) Additional number of random vectors to sample the range of M so as to ensure proper conditioning. The total number of random vectors used to find the range of M is n_components + n_oversamples. Smaller number can improve speed but can negatively impact the quality of approximation of singular vectors and singular values.

n_iter : int or 'auto' (default is 'auto') Number of power iterations. It can be used to deal with very noisy problems. When 'auto', it is set to 4, unless `n_components` is small (< .1 * min(X.shape)) `n_iter` in which case is set to 7. This improves precision with few components.

.. versionchanged:: 0.18

power_iteration_normalizer : 'auto' (default), 'QR', 'LU', 'none' Whether the power iterations are normalized with step-by-step QR factorization (the slowest but most accurate), 'none' (the fastest but numerically unstable when `n_iter` is large, e.g. typically 5 or larger), or 'LU' factorization (numerically stable but can lose slightly in accuracy). The 'auto' mode applies no normalization if `n_iter` <= 2 and switches to LU otherwise.

.. versionadded:: 0.18

transpose : True, False or 'auto' (default) Whether the algorithm should be applied to M.T instead of M. The result should approximately be the same. The 'auto' mode will trigger the transposition if M.shape1 > M.shape0 since this implementation of randomized SVD tend to be a little faster in that case.

.. versionchanged:: 0.18

flip_sign : boolean, (True by default) The output of a singular value decomposition is only unique up to a permutation of the signs of the singular vectors. If `flip_sign` is set to `True`, the sign ambiguity is resolved by making the largest loadings for each component in the left singular vectors positive.

random_state : int, RandomState instance or None, optional (default=None) The seed of the pseudo random number generator to use when shuffling the data. If int, random_state is the seed used by the random number generator; If RandomState instance, random_state is the random number generator; If None, the random number generator is the RandomState instance used by `np.random`.

Notes ----- This algorithm finds a (usually very good) approximate truncated singular value decomposition using randomization to speed up the computations. It is particularly fast on large matrices on which you wish to extract only a small number of components. In order to obtain further speed up, `n_iter` can be set <=2 (at the cost of loss of precision).

References ---------- * Finding structure with randomness: Stochastic algorithms for constructing approximate matrix decompositions Halko, et al., 2009

* A randomized algorithm for the decomposition of matrices Per-Gunnar Martinsson, Vladimir Rokhlin and Mark Tygert

* An implementation of a randomized algorithm for principal component analysis A. Szlam et al. 2014

val sparse_encode : ?gram:Ndarray.t -> ?cov:Ndarray.t -> ?algorithm:[ `Lasso_lars | `Lasso_cd | `Lars | `Omp | `Threshold ] -> ?n_nonzero_coefs:[ `Int of int | `PyObject of Py.Object.t ] -> ?alpha:float -> ?copy_cov:bool -> ?init:Ndarray.t -> ?max_iter:int -> ?n_jobs:[ `Int of int | `None ] -> ?check_input:bool -> ?verbose:int -> ?positive:bool -> x:Ndarray.t -> dictionary:Ndarray.t -> unit -> Ndarray.t

Sparse coding

Each row of the result is the solution to a sparse coding problem. The goal is to find a sparse array `code` such that::

X ~= code * dictionary

Read more in the :ref:`User Guide <SparseCoder>`.

Parameters ---------- X : array of shape (n_samples, n_features) Data matrix

dictionary : array of shape (n_components, n_features) The dictionary matrix against which to solve the sparse coding of the data. Some of the algorithms assume normalized rows for meaningful output.

gram : array, shape=(n_components, n_components) Precomputed Gram matrix, dictionary * dictionary'

cov : array, shape=(n_components, n_samples) Precomputed covariance, dictionary' * X

algorithm : 'lasso_lars', 'lasso_cd', 'lars', 'omp', 'threshold' lars: uses the least angle regression method (linear_model.lars_path) lasso_lars: uses Lars to compute the Lasso solution lasso_cd: uses the coordinate descent method to compute the Lasso solution (linear_model.Lasso). lasso_lars will be faster if the estimated components are sparse. omp: uses orthogonal matching pursuit to estimate the sparse solution threshold: squashes to zero all coefficients less than alpha from the projection dictionary * X'

n_nonzero_coefs : int, 0.1 * n_features by default Number of nonzero coefficients to target in each column of the solution. This is only used by `algorithm='lars'` and `algorithm='omp'` and is overridden by `alpha` in the `omp` case.

alpha : float, 1. by default If `algorithm='lasso_lars'` or `algorithm='lasso_cd'`, `alpha` is the penalty applied to the L1 norm. If `algorithm='threshold'`, `alpha` is the absolute value of the threshold below which coefficients will be squashed to zero. If `algorithm='omp'`, `alpha` is the tolerance parameter: the value of the reconstruction error targeted. In this case, it overrides `n_nonzero_coefs`.

copy_cov : boolean, optional Whether to copy the precomputed covariance matrix; if False, it may be overwritten.

init : array of shape (n_samples, n_components) Initialization value of the sparse codes. Only used if `algorithm='lasso_cd'`.

max_iter : int, 1000 by default Maximum number of iterations to perform if `algorithm='lasso_cd'` or `lasso_lars`.

n_jobs : int or None, optional (default=None) Number of parallel jobs to run. ``None`` means 1 unless in a :obj:`joblib.parallel_backend` context. ``-1`` means using all processors. See :term:`Glossary <n_jobs>` for more details.

check_input : boolean, optional If False, the input arrays X and dictionary will not be checked.

verbose : int, optional Controls the verbosity; the higher, the more messages. Defaults to 0.

positive : boolean, optional Whether to enforce positivity when finding the encoding.

.. versionadded:: 0.20

Returns ------- code : array of shape (n_samples, n_components) The sparse codes

See also -------- sklearn.linear_model.lars_path sklearn.linear_model.orthogonal_mp sklearn.linear_model.Lasso SparseCoder


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