package odoc

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
val counter : int ref
type module_ = [
  1. | `LModule of Odoc_model.Names.ModuleName.t * int
type module_type = [
  1. | `LModuleType of Odoc_model.Names.ModuleTypeName.t * int
type type_ = [
  1. | `LType of Odoc_model.Names.TypeName.t * int
type constructor = [
  1. | `LConstructor of Odoc_model.Names.ConstructorName.t * int
type field = [
  1. | `LField of Odoc_model.Names.FieldName.t * int
type extension = [
  1. | `LExtension of Odoc_model.Names.ExtensionName.t * int
type exception_ = [
  1. | `LException of Odoc_model.Names.ExceptionName.t * int
type value = [
  1. | `LValue of Odoc_model.Names.ValueName.t * int
type method_ = [
  1. | `LMethod of Odoc_model.Names.MethodName.t * int
type instance_variable = [
  1. | `LInstanceVariable of Odoc_model.Names.InstanceVariableName.t * int
type label = [
  1. | `LLabel of Odoc_model.Names.LabelName.t * int
type page = [
  1. | `LPage of Odoc_model.Names.PageName.t * int
val fresh_int : unit -> int
val int_of_any : any -> int
module Of_Identifier : sig ... end
module Name : sig ... end
module Rename : sig ... end
val hash : any -> int
val compare : any -> any -> int
val reset : unit -> unit
val fmt_aux : any -> string * int
val fmt : Format.formatter -> [< any ] -> unit
val short_fmt : Format.formatter -> [< any ] -> unit
val rename : ('a * 'b) -> 'a * int

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