package odoc

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

Errors raised by Tools

type handle_subs_error = [
  1. | `UnresolvedPath of [ `Module of Cpath.module_ ]
type reference_kind = [
  1. | `S
  2. | `T
  3. | `C
  4. | `CT
  5. | `Page
  6. | `Cons
  7. | `Field
  8. | `Label
  9. | `Page_path
  10. | `Module_path
  11. | `Asset_path
  12. | `Any_path
type path_kind = [
  1. | `Page
  2. | `Unit
type expansion_of_module_error = [
  1. | `OpaqueModule
  2. | `UnresolvedForwardPath
  3. | `UnresolvedPath of [ `Module of Cpath.module_ * simple_module_lookup_error | `ModuleType of Cpath.module_type * simple_module_type_lookup_error ]
  4. | `UnresolvedOriginalPath of Cpath.module_ * simple_module_lookup_error
and simple_module_lookup_error = [
  1. | `Local of Env.t * Ident.module_
  2. | `Find_failure
  3. | `Lookup_failure of Odoc_model.Paths.Identifier.Path.Module.t
  4. | `Lookup_failure_root of Odoc_model.Names.ModuleName.t
  5. | `Parent of parent_lookup_error
and simple_module_type_expr_of_module_error = [
  1. | `ApplyNotFunctor
  2. | `OpaqueModule
  3. | `UnresolvedForwardPath
  4. | `UnresolvedPath of [ `Module of Cpath.module_ * simple_module_lookup_error | `ModuleType of Cpath.module_type * simple_module_type_lookup_error ]
  5. | `Parent of parent_lookup_error
and simple_module_type_lookup_error = [
  1. | `LocalMT of Env.t * Ident.module_type
  2. | `Find_failure
  3. | `Lookup_failureMT of Odoc_model.Paths.Identifier.ModuleType.t
  4. | `Parent of parent_lookup_error
and simple_type_lookup_error = [
  1. | `LocalType of Env.t * Ident.type_
  2. | `Class_replaced
  3. | `OpaqueClass
  4. | `Find_failure
  5. | `Lookup_failureT of Odoc_model.Paths.Identifier.Path.Type.t
  6. | `Parent of parent_lookup_error
and simple_value_lookup_error = [
  1. | `LocalValue of Env.t * Ident.value
  2. | `Find_failure
  3. | `Lookup_failureV of Odoc_model.Paths.Identifier.Path.Value.t
  4. | `Parent of parent_lookup_error
and parent_lookup_error = [
  1. | `Parent_sig of expansion_of_module_error
  2. | `Parent_module_type of simple_module_type_lookup_error
  3. | `Parent_expr of simple_module_type_expr_of_module_error
  4. | `Parent_module of simple_module_lookup_error
  5. | `Parent_type of simple_type_lookup_error
  6. | `Fragment_root
  7. | `Parent of parent_lookup_error
  8. | `Reference of reference_lookup_error
and reference_lookup_error = [
  1. | `Wrong_kind of reference_kind list * reference_kind
  2. | `Lookup_by_name of [ reference_kind | `Any ] * string
  3. | `Find_by_name of [ reference_kind | `Any ] * string
  4. | `Path_error of [ `Not_found | `Is_directory | `Wrong_kind of path_kind list * path_kind ] * Odoc_model.Paths.Reference.tag_hierarchy * string list
  5. | `Parent of parent_lookup_error
val pp_reference_kind : Format.formatter -> [< `Any_path | `Asset_path | `C | `CT | `Cons | `Field | `Label | `Module_path | `Page | `Page_path | `S | `T ] -> unit
val fpf : Format.formatter -> ('a, Format.formatter, unit) format -> 'a
val pp_human_list : (Format.formatter -> 'a -> unit) -> Format.formatter -> 'a list -> unit
val pp_path : Format.formatter -> ([< `TAbsolutePath | `TCurrentPackage | `TRelativePath ] * string list) -> unit
val pp_path_kind : Format.formatter -> [< `Page | `Unit ] -> unit
val pp_path_error : Format.formatter -> [< `Is_directory | `Not_found | `Wrong_kind of [< `Page | `Unit ] list * [< `Page | `Unit ] ] -> [< `TAbsolutePath | `TCurrentPackage | `TRelativePath ] -> string list -> unit
val pp : Format.formatter -> any -> unit
val pp_reference_lookup_error : Format.formatter -> reference_lookup_error -> unit

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