package odoc

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

Typed names for paths, identifiers, references and fragments.

This module contains a module per type of named object in our internal representation of the langage, each containing an opaque type t. This allows us to ensure that, for example, we never mistake a module name for a module type name.

val parenthesise : string -> string
val contains_double_underscore : string -> bool
val set_unique_ident : string -> unit

Name is the signature for names that could possibly be hidden. Hidden names occur when we generate items that don't have a path that will be exposed in the generated HTML. This can occur for a few reasons:

1. explicitly hidden by the user with stop comments 2. generalised opens 3. shadowed identifiers

In cases 1 and 2 the identifiers are available for use later in the signature (or more generally) whereas for case 3 they aren't, and it's helpful to keep this distinction.

module type Name = sig ... end
module type SimpleName = sig ... end

Some named objects can't have internal names, so they have this simpler module.

module ModuleName : Name
module TypeName : Name
module ValueName : Name

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