package odoc

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
type module_ = [
  1. | `FModule of Odoc_model.Names.ModuleName.t * Component.Module.t
type module_type = [
  1. | `FModuleType of Odoc_model.Names.ModuleTypeName.t * Component.ModuleType.t
type datatype = [
  1. | `FType of Odoc_model.Names.TypeName.t * Component.TypeDecl.t
type value = [
  1. | `FValue of Odoc_model.Names.ValueName.t * Component.Value.t
type label = [
  1. | `FLabel of Component.Label.t
type exception_ = [
  1. | `FExn of Odoc_model.Names.ExceptionName.t * Component.Exception.t
type substitution = [
  1. | `FModule_subst of Component.ModuleSubstitution.t
  2. | `FType_subst of Component.TypeDecl.t
  3. | `FModuleType_subst of Component.ModuleTypeSubstitution.t
type signature = [
  1. | module_
  2. | module_type
type type_ = [
  1. | datatype
  2. | class_
type label_parent = [
  1. | signature
  2. | type_
type constructor = [
  1. | `FConstructor of Component.TypeDecl.Constructor.t
type polymorphic_constructor = [
  1. | `FPoly of Component.TypeExpr.Polymorphic_variant.Constructor.t
type field = [
  1. | `FField of Component.TypeDecl.Field.t
type any_in_type = [
  1. | constructor
  2. | field
  3. | polymorphic_constructor
type any_in_type_in_sig = [
  1. | `In_type of Odoc_model.Names.TypeName.t * Component.TypeDecl.t * any_in_type
type instance_variable = [
  1. | `FInstance_variable of Odoc_model.Names.InstanceVariableName.t * Component.InstanceVariable.t
type method_ = [
  1. | `FMethod of Odoc_model.Names.MethodName.t * Component.Method.t
type any_in_class_sig = [
  1. | instance_variable
  2. | method_

Lookup by name, unambiguous

val any_in_type : Component.TypeDecl.t -> string -> any_in_type option
val any_in_typext : Component.Extension.t -> string -> extension option
val method_in_class_signature : Component.ClassSignature.t -> Odoc_model.Names.MethodName.t -> method_ option
val instance_variable_in_class_signature : Component.ClassSignature.t -> Odoc_model.Names.InstanceVariableName.t -> instance_variable option

Maybe ambiguous

val signature_in_sig : Component.Signature.t -> string -> signature list
val label_parent_in_sig : Component.Signature.t -> string -> label_parent list
val any_in_sig : Component.Signature.t -> string -> any_in_sig list
val any_in_type_in_sig : Component.Signature.t -> string -> any_in_type_in_sig list
val any_in_class_signature : Component.ClassSignature.t -> string -> any_in_class_sig list

Disambiguated lookups, returns the last match.

val class_in_sig_unambiguous : Component.Signature.t -> Odoc_model.Names.TypeName.t -> class_ option

Lookup removed items

type careful_module = [
  1. | module_
  2. | `FModule_removed of Cpath.module_
type careful_module_type = [
  1. | module_type
  2. | `FModuleType_removed of Component.ModuleType.expr
type core_type = [
  1. | `CoreType of Odoc_model.Names.TypeName.t
type careful_type = [
  1. | type_
  2. | removed_type
  3. | core_type
type careful_class = [
  1. | class_
  2. | removed_type
val careful_module_in_sig : Component.Signature.t -> Odoc_model.Names.ModuleName.t -> careful_module option
val careful_type_in_sig : Component.Signature.t -> Odoc_model.Names.TypeName.t -> careful_type option
val careful_class_in_sig : Component.Signature.t -> Odoc_model.Names.TypeName.t -> careful_class option

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