package ocaml-webworker

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
val sources_path : string list Pervasives.ref
val cfg_cmt_path : string list Pervasives.ref
val loadpath : string list Pervasives.ref
val last_location : Location.t Pervasives.ref
val log : string -> string -> unit
val logf : string -> ('a, unit, string, unit) Pervasives.format4 -> 'a
val logfmt : string -> (Std.Format.formatter -> 'a) -> unit
val erase_loadpath : cwd:string -> new_path:string list -> (unit -> 'a) -> 'a
val restore_loadpath : (unit -> 'a) -> 'a
module Fallback : sig ... end
module File : sig ... end
module Preferences : sig ... end
module File_switching : sig ... end
module Utils : sig ... end
type context =
  1. | Type
  2. | Expr
  3. | Patt of Types.type_expr
  4. | Unknown
  5. | Label
exception Context_mismatch
val browse_cmts : config:Mconfig.t -> root:string -> Cmt_cache.path -> (Location.t * string option) option
val from_path : config:Mconfig.t -> Cmt_cache.path -> (Location.t * string option) option
val path_and_loc_of_cstr : Types.constructor_description -> 'a -> Path.t * Location.t
val path_and_loc_from_label : Types.label_description -> Env.t -> Path.t * Location.t
exception Not_in_env
exception Multiple_matches of string list
val find_source : config:Mconfig.t -> Location.t -> Std.String.t option
val recover : 'a -> [> `Found of Location.t * 'b option ]
val namespaces : context -> [> `Constr | `Labels | `Mod | `Modtype | `Type | `Vals ] list
exception Found of Path.t * Cmt_cache.path * Location.t
val tag : [> `Mod ] as 'a -> Path.t -> (string * 'a) list
val get_type_name : context -> Longident.t
val lookup : context -> Longident.t -> Env.t -> Path.t * Cmt_cache.path * Location.t
val locate : config:Mconfig.t -> ml_or_mli:[ `ML | `MLI ] -> path:Cmt_cache.path -> lazy_trie: (Location.t * string option * Cmt_cache.namespace * Cmt_cache.node) list Typedtrie.Trie.t lazy_t -> pos:Std.Lexing.position -> str_ident:string -> Location.t -> [> `File_not_found of string | `Found of Location.t * string option | `Not_found of string * string option ]
val from_completion_entry : config:Mconfig.t -> lazy_trie: (Location.t * string option * Cmt_cache.namespace * Cmt_cache.node) list Typedtrie.Trie.t lazy_t -> pos:Std.Lexing.position -> (Cmt_cache.namespace * Path.t * Location.t) -> [> `File_not_found of string | `Found of Location.t * string option | `Not_found of string * string option ]
val from_longident : config:Mconfig.t -> env:Env.t -> lazy_trie: (Location.t * string option * Cmt_cache.namespace * Cmt_cache.node) list Typedtrie.Trie.t lazy_t -> pos:Std.Lexing.position -> context -> [ `ML | `MLI ] -> Longident.t -> [> `Builtin | `File_not_found of string | `Found of Location.t * string option | `Not_found of string * string option | `Not_in_env of string ]
val inspect_pattern : pos:Std.Lexing.position -> parent:Browse_tree.t option -> Typedtree.pattern -> context option
val inspect_context : (Env.t * Browse_raw.node) list list -> 'a -> Std.Lexing.position -> context option
val from_string : config:Mconfig.t -> env:Env.t -> local_defs: [< `Implementation of Typedtree.structure | `Interface of Typedtree.signature ] -> pos:Std.Lexing.position -> [ `ML | `MLI ] -> string -> [> `At_origin | `Builtin of string | `File_not_found of string | `Found of Std.String.t option * Lexing.position | `Not_found of string * string option | `Not_in_env of string ]
val get_doc : config:Mconfig.t -> env:Env.t -> local_defs: [< `Implementation of Typedtree.structure | `Interface of Typedtree.signature ] -> comments:(string * Location.t) list -> pos:Std.Lexing.position -> [< `Completion_entry of Cmt_cache.namespace * Path.t * Location.t & 'a * Path.t * 'b | `User_input of string ] -> [> `Builtin of string | `File_not_found of string | `Found of string | `No_documentation | `Not_found of string * string option | `Not_in_env of string ]

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