package ocaml-webworker

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
val make_pat : Typedtree.pattern_desc -> Types.type_expr -> Env.t -> Typedtree.pattern
val omega : Typedtree.pattern
val extra_pat : Typedtree.pattern
val omegas : int -> Typedtree.pattern list
val omega_list : 'a list -> Typedtree.pattern list
val zero : Typedtree.pattern
val is_absent : Asttypes.label -> Types.row_desc Pervasives.ref -> bool
val is_absent_pat : Typedtree.pattern -> bool
val const_compare : Asttypes.constant -> Asttypes.constant -> int
val records_args : ('a * Types.label_description * Typedtree.pattern) list -> ('b * Types.label_description * Typedtree.pattern) list -> Typedtree.pattern list * Typedtree.pattern list
val compat : Typedtree.pattern -> Typedtree.pattern -> bool
val compats : Typedtree.pattern list -> Typedtree.pattern list -> bool
exception Empty
val clean_copy : Types.type_expr -> Types.type_expr
val get_type_path : Types.type_expr -> Env.t -> Path.t
val pretty_record_elision_mark : Format.formatter -> ('a * Types.label_description * 'b) list -> unit
val is_cons : Types.constructor_description -> bool
val pretty_const : Asttypes.constant -> string
val pretty_val : Format.formatter -> Typedtree.pattern -> unit
val pretty_car : Format.formatter -> Typedtree.pattern -> unit
val pretty_cdr : Format.formatter -> Typedtree.pattern -> unit
val pretty_arg : Format.formatter -> Typedtree.pattern -> unit
val pretty_or : Format.formatter -> Typedtree.pattern -> unit
val pretty_vals : string -> Format.formatter -> Typedtree.pattern list -> unit
val pretty_lvals : Format.formatter -> (Longident.t Asttypes.loc * Types.label_description * Typedtree.pattern) list -> unit
val top_pretty : Format.formatter -> Typedtree.pattern -> unit
val pretty_pat : Typedtree.pattern -> unit
type matrix = Typedtree.pattern list list
val pretty_line : Typedtree.pattern list -> unit
val pretty_matrix : matrix -> unit
val simple_match : Typedtree.pattern -> Typedtree.pattern -> bool
val record_arg : Typedtree.pattern -> (Longident.t Asttypes.loc * Types.label_description * Typedtree.pattern) list
val get_field : int -> ('a * Types.label_description * 'b) list -> 'b
val extract_fields : ('a * Types.label_description * 'b) list -> ('c * Types.label_description * Typedtree.pattern) list -> Typedtree.pattern list
val all_record_args : (Longident.t Asttypes.loc * Types.label_description * Typedtree.pattern) list -> (Longident.t Asttypes.loc * Types.label_description * Typedtree.pattern) list
val simple_match_args : Typedtree.pattern -> Typedtree.pattern -> Typedtree.pattern list
val normalize_pat : Typedtree.pattern -> Typedtree.pattern
val read_args : 'a list -> 'b list -> 'b list * 'b list
val do_set_args : bool -> Typedtree.pattern -> Typedtree.pattern list -> Typedtree.pattern list
val set_args : Typedtree.pattern -> Typedtree.pattern list -> Typedtree.pattern list
val set_args_erase_mutable : Typedtree.pattern -> Typedtree.pattern list -> Typedtree.pattern list
val filter_extra : Typedtree.pattern list list -> Typedtree.pattern list list
val set_last : 'a -> 'a list -> 'a list
val mark_partial : Typedtree.pattern list list -> Typedtree.pattern list list
val close_variant : Env.t -> Types.row_desc -> unit
val row_of_pat : Typedtree.pattern -> Types.row_desc
val full_match : bool -> (Typedtree.pattern * 'a) list -> bool
val should_extend : Path.t option -> (Typedtree.pattern * 'a) list -> bool
val complete_tags : int -> int -> Types.constructor_tag list -> Types.constructor_tag list
val pat_of_constr : Typedtree.pattern -> Types.constructor_description -> Typedtree.pattern
val orify : Typedtree.pattern -> Typedtree.pattern -> Typedtree.pattern
val orify_many : Typedtree.pattern list -> Typedtree.pattern
val pat_of_constrs : Typedtree.pattern -> Types.constructor_description list -> Typedtree.pattern
val pats_of_type : ?always:bool -> Env.t -> Types.type_expr -> Typedtree.pattern list
val get_variant_constructors : Env.t -> Types.type_expr -> Types.constructor_description list
val complete_constrs : Typedtree.pattern -> Types.constructor_tag list -> Types.constructor_description list
val build_other_constrs : (Typedtree.pattern * 'a) list -> Typedtree.pattern -> Typedtree.pattern
val build_other_constant : (Typedtree.pattern_desc -> 'a) -> ('a -> Typedtree.pattern_desc) -> 'a -> ('a -> 'a) -> Typedtree.pattern -> (Typedtree.pattern * 'b) list -> Typedtree.pattern
val build_other : Path.t option -> (Typedtree.pattern * 'a) list -> Typedtree.pattern
val has_instance : Typedtree.pattern -> bool
val has_instances : Typedtree.pattern list -> bool
val satisfiable : Typedtree.pattern list list -> Typedtree.pattern list -> bool
val satisfiables : Typedtree.pattern list list -> Typedtree.pattern list -> Typedtree.pattern list list
type 'a result =
  1. | Rnone
  2. | Rsome of 'a
val rappend : 'a list result -> 'a list result -> 'a list result
val try_many_gadt : (('a * 'b) -> 'c list result) -> ('a * 'b) list -> 'c list result
val exhaust_gadt : Path.t option -> Typedtree.pattern list list -> int -> Typedtree.pattern list result
type answer =
  1. | Used
  2. | Unused
  3. | Upartial of Typedtree.pattern list
type 'a row = {
  1. no_ors : 'a list;
  2. ors : 'a list;
  3. active : 'a list;
val make_row : 'a list -> 'a row
val make_rows : 'a list list -> 'a row list
val unalias : Typedtree.pattern -> Typedtree.pattern
val is_var : Typedtree.pattern -> bool
val is_var_column : Typedtree.pattern row list -> bool
val or_args : Typedtree.pattern -> Typedtree.pattern * Typedtree.pattern
val remove : 'a row -> 'a row
val remove_column : 'a row list -> 'a row list
val push_no_or : 'a row -> 'a row
val push_or : 'a row -> 'a row
val push_or_column : 'a row list -> 'a row list
val push_no_or_column : 'a row list -> 'a row list
val discr_pat : Typedtree.pattern -> Typedtree.pattern row list -> Typedtree.pattern
val filter_one : Typedtree.pattern -> Typedtree.pattern row list -> Typedtree.pattern row list
val make_vector : 'a row -> 'a list
val make_matrix : 'a row list -> 'a list list
val union_res : answer -> answer -> answer
val extract_elements : 'a row -> 'a row list
val transpose : 'a list list -> 'a list list
val extract_columns : 'a row list -> 'b row -> 'a row list list
val every_satisfiables : Typedtree.pattern row list -> Typedtree.pattern row -> answer
val every_both : Typedtree.pattern row list -> Typedtree.pattern row -> Typedtree.pattern -> Typedtree.pattern -> answer
val le_pat : Typedtree.pattern -> Typedtree.pattern -> bool
val le_pats : Typedtree.pattern list -> Typedtree.pattern list -> bool
val get_mins : ('a -> 'a -> bool) -> 'a list -> 'a list
val lub : Typedtree.pattern -> Typedtree.pattern -> Typedtree.pattern
val orlub : Typedtree.pattern -> Typedtree.pattern -> Typedtree.pattern -> Typedtree.pattern
val record_lubs : (Longident.t Asttypes.loc * Types.label_description * Typedtree.pattern) list -> (Longident.t Asttypes.loc * Types.label_description * Typedtree.pattern) list -> (Longident.t Asttypes.loc * Types.label_description * Typedtree.pattern) list
val lubs : Typedtree.pattern list -> Typedtree.pattern list -> Typedtree.pattern list
val pressure_variants : Env.t -> Typedtree.pattern list -> unit
val initial_matrix : list -> Typedtree.pattern list list
exception NoGuard
val initial_all : bool -> list -> (Typedtree.pattern list * Location.t) list
val do_filter_var : ('a list * 'b) list -> ('a list * 'b) list
val do_filter_one : Typedtree.pattern -> (Typedtree.pattern list * 'a) list -> (Typedtree.pattern list * 'a) list
val do_match : (Typedtree.pattern list * 'a) list -> Typedtree.pattern list -> 'a option
val check_partial_all : Typedtree.pattern -> list -> Location.t option
module Conv : sig ... end
val contains_extension : Typedtree.pattern -> bool
val ppat_of_type : Env.t -> Types.type_expr -> Parsetree.pattern * (string, Types.constructor_description) Hashtbl.t * (string, Types.label_description) Hashtbl.t
val do_check_partial : ?pred: ((string, Types.constructor_description) Hashtbl.t -> (string, Types.label_description) Hashtbl.t -> Parsetree.pattern -> Typedtree.pattern option) -> ('a option -> 'b list list -> int -> Typedtree.pattern list result) -> Location.t -> list -> 'b list list -> Typedtree.partial
val do_check_partial_gadt : ((string, Types.constructor_description) Hashtbl.t -> (string, Types.label_description) Hashtbl.t -> Parsetree.pattern -> Typedtree.pattern option) -> Location.t -> list -> Typedtree.pattern list list -> Typedtree.partial
val add_path : Path.t -> Path.t list -> Path.t list
val extendable_path : Path.t -> bool
val collect_paths_from_pat : Path.t list -> Typedtree.pattern -> Path.t list
val do_check_fragile_param : (Path.t option -> 'a list list -> int -> 'b result) -> Location.t -> list -> 'a list list -> unit
val do_check_fragile_gadt : Location.t -> list -> Typedtree.pattern list list -> unit
val check_unused : (bool -> (string, Types.constructor_description) Hashtbl.t -> (string, Types.label_description) Hashtbl.t -> Parsetree.pattern -> 'a option) -> list -> unit
val irrefutable : Typedtree.pattern -> bool
val inactive : Typedtree.pattern_desc -> bool
val fluid : Typedtree.pattern -> bool
val check_partial_param : ('a -> list -> Typedtree.pattern list list -> Typedtree.partial) -> ('a -> list -> Typedtree.pattern list list -> unit) -> 'a -> list -> Typedtree.partial
val check_partial_gadt : ((string, Types.constructor_description) Hashtbl.t -> (string, Types.label_description) Hashtbl.t -> Parsetree.pattern -> Typedtree.pattern option) -> Location.t -> list -> Typedtree.partial
module IdSet : sig ... end
val pattern_vars : Typedtree.pattern -> IdSet.t
type amb_row = {
  1. unseen : Typedtree.pattern list;
  2. seen : IdSet.t list;
val do_push : IdSet.t -> Typedtree.pattern -> Typedtree.pattern list -> IdSet.t list -> (Typedtree.pattern * amb_row) list -> (Typedtree.pattern * amb_row) list
val push_vars : amb_row list -> (Typedtree.pattern * amb_row) list
val collect_stable : amb_row list -> IdSet.t
val filter_all : (Typedtree.pattern * amb_row) list -> (Typedtree.pattern * amb_row list) list
val do_stable : amb_row list -> IdSet.t
val stable : Typedtree.pattern -> IdSet.t
val all_rhs_idents : Typedtree.expression -> IdSet.t
val check_ambiguous_bindings : list -> unit
val do_complete_partial : ?pred: ((string, Types.constructor_description) Hashtbl.t -> (string, Types.label_description) Hashtbl.t -> Parsetree.pattern -> Typedtree.pattern option) -> ('a option -> 'b list list -> int -> Typedtree.pattern list result) -> 'b list list -> Typedtree.pattern option
val complete_partial : Typedtree.pattern list list -> Typedtree.pattern option
val return_unused : Typedtree.pattern list -> [> `Unused of Typedtree.pattern | `Unused_subs of Typedtree.pattern * Typedtree.pattern list ] list

Innovation. Community. Security.