package ocaml-webworker

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
val prefix_symbols : char list
val infix_symbols : char list
val special_infix_strings : string list
val fixity_of_string : string -> [> `Infix of string | `Normal | `Prefix of string ]
val view_fixity_of_exp : Parsetree.expression -> [> `Infix of string | `Normal | `Prefix of string ]
val is_infix : [> `Infix of 'a ] -> bool
val needs_parens : string -> bool
val needs_spaces : string -> bool
val protect_ident : Format.formatter -> string -> unit
val protect_longident : Format.formatter -> (Format.formatter -> 'a -> unit) -> 'a -> string -> unit
type space_formatter = (unit, Format.formatter, unit) Pervasives.format
val override : Asttypes.override_flag -> string
val type_variance : Asttypes.variance -> string
type construct = [
  1. | `cons of Parsetree.expression list
  2. | `list of Parsetree.expression list
  3. | `nil
  4. | `normal
  5. | `simple of Longident.t
  6. | `tuple
val view_expr : Parsetree.expression -> [> `cons of Parsetree.expression list | `list of Parsetree.expression list | `nil | `normal | `simple of Longident.t | `tuple ]
val is_simple_construct : construct -> bool
val pp : Format.formatter -> ('a, Format.formatter, unit) Pervasives.format -> 'a
type ctxt = {
  1. pipe : bool;
  2. semi : bool;
  3. ifthenelse : bool;
val reset_ctxt : ctxt
val under_pipe : ctxt -> ctxt
val under_semi : ctxt -> ctxt
val under_ifthenelse : ctxt -> ctxt
val list : 'a. ?sep:space_formatter -> ?first:space_formatter -> ?last:space_formatter -> (Format.formatter -> 'a -> unit) -> Format.formatter -> 'a list -> unit
val option : 'a. ?first:space_formatter -> ?last:space_formatter -> (Format.formatter -> 'a -> unit) -> Format.formatter -> 'a option -> unit
val paren : 'a. ?first:space_formatter -> ?last:space_formatter -> bool -> (Format.formatter -> 'a -> unit) -> Format.formatter -> 'a -> unit
val longident : Format.formatter -> Longident.t -> unit
val longident_loc : Format.formatter -> Longident.t Location.loc -> unit
val constant : Format.formatter -> Parsetree.constant -> unit
val mutable_flag : Format.formatter -> Asttypes.mutable_flag -> unit
val virtual_flag : Format.formatter -> Asttypes.virtual_flag -> unit
val rec_flag : Format.formatter -> Asttypes.rec_flag -> unit
val nonrec_flag : Format.formatter -> Asttypes.rec_flag -> unit
val direction_flag : Format.formatter -> Asttypes.direction_flag -> unit
val private_flag : Format.formatter -> Asttypes.private_flag -> unit
val constant_string : Format.formatter -> string -> unit
val tyvar : Format.formatter -> string -> unit
val string_quot : Format.formatter -> string -> unit
val class_params_def : ctxt -> Format.formatter -> (Parsetree.core_type * Asttypes.variance) list -> unit
val type_with_label : ctxt -> Format.formatter -> (Asttypes.arg_label * Parsetree.core_type) -> unit
val core_type1 : ctxt -> Format.formatter -> Parsetree.core_type -> unit
val pattern1 : ctxt -> Format.formatter -> Parsetree.pattern -> unit
val simple_pattern : ctxt -> Format.formatter -> Parsetree.pattern -> unit
val label_exp : ctxt -> Format.formatter -> (Asttypes.arg_label * Parsetree.expression option * Parsetree.pattern) -> unit
val sugar_expr : ctxt -> Format.formatter -> Parsetree.expression -> bool
val expression1 : ctxt -> Format.formatter -> Parsetree.expression -> unit
val expression2 : ctxt -> Format.formatter -> Parsetree.expression -> unit
val simple_expr : ctxt -> Format.formatter -> Parsetree.expression -> unit
val attributes : ctxt -> Format.formatter -> Parsetree.attributes -> unit
val item_attributes : ctxt -> Format.formatter -> Parsetree.attributes -> unit
val attribute : ctxt -> Format.formatter -> Parsetree.attribute -> unit
val item_attribute : ctxt -> Format.formatter -> Parsetree.attribute -> unit
val floating_attribute : ctxt -> Format.formatter -> Parsetree.attribute -> unit
val value_description : ctxt -> Format.formatter -> Parsetree.value_description -> unit
val extension : ctxt -> Format.formatter -> Parsetree.extension -> unit
val item_extension : ctxt -> Format.formatter -> Parsetree.extension -> unit
val exception_declaration : ctxt -> Format.formatter -> Parsetree.extension_constructor -> unit
val class_signature : ctxt -> Format.formatter -> Parsetree.class_signature -> unit
val class_type : ctxt -> Format.formatter -> Parsetree.class_type -> unit
val class_type_declaration_list : ctxt -> Format.formatter -> Parsetree.class_type_declaration list -> unit
val class_field : ctxt -> Format.formatter -> Parsetree.class_field -> unit
val class_structure : ctxt -> Format.formatter -> Parsetree.class_structure -> unit
val class_expr : ctxt -> Format.formatter -> Parsetree.class_expr -> unit
val module_type : ctxt -> Format.formatter -> Parsetree.module_type -> unit
val signature_item : ctxt -> Format.formatter -> Parsetree.signature_item -> unit
val module_expr : ctxt -> Format.formatter -> Parsetree.module_expr -> unit
val payload : ctxt -> Format.formatter -> Parsetree.payload -> unit
val binding : ctxt -> Format.formatter -> Parsetree.value_binding -> unit
val bindings : ctxt -> Format.formatter -> (Asttypes.rec_flag * Parsetree.value_binding list) -> unit
val structure_item : ctxt -> Format.formatter -> Parsetree.structure_item -> unit
val type_param : ctxt -> Format.formatter -> (Parsetree.core_type * Asttypes.variance) -> unit
val type_params : ctxt -> Format.formatter -> (Parsetree.core_type * Asttypes.variance) list -> unit
val type_def_list : ctxt -> Format.formatter -> (Asttypes.rec_flag * Parsetree.type_declaration list) -> unit
val record_declaration : ctxt -> Format.formatter -> Parsetree.label_declaration list -> unit
val type_declaration : ctxt -> Format.formatter -> Parsetree.type_declaration -> unit
val type_extension : ctxt -> Format.formatter -> Parsetree.type_extension -> unit
val constructor_declaration : ctxt -> Format.formatter -> (string * Parsetree.constructor_arguments * Parsetree.core_type option * Parsetree.attributes) -> unit
val extension_constructor : ctxt -> Format.formatter -> Parsetree.extension_constructor -> unit
val label_x_expression_param : ctxt -> Format.formatter -> (Asttypes.arg_label * Parsetree.expression) -> unit
val directive_argument : Format.formatter -> Parsetree.directive_argument -> unit
val toplevel_phrase : Format.formatter -> Parsetree.toplevel_phrase -> unit
val expression : Format.formatter -> Parsetree.expression -> unit
val string_of_expression : Parsetree.expression -> string
val string_of_structure : Parsetree.structure -> string
val top_phrase : Format.formatter -> Parsetree.toplevel_phrase -> unit
val core_type : Format.formatter -> Parsetree.core_type -> unit
val pattern : Format.formatter -> Parsetree.pattern -> unit
val signature : Format.formatter -> Parsetree.signature -> unit
val structure : Format.formatter -> Parsetree.structure -> unit
val case_list : Format.formatter -> list -> unit

Innovation. Community. Security.