package ocaml-webworker

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type namespace = [
  1. | `Vals
  2. | `Type
  3. | `Constr
  4. | `Mod
  5. | `Modtype
  6. | `Functor
  7. | `Labels
  8. | `Unknown
type path = (string * namespace) list
type trie = (Location.t * string option * namespace * node) list Std.String.Map.t
and node =
  1. | Leaf
  2. | Internal of trie
  3. | Included of path
  4. | Alias of path
type cmt_item = {
  1. cmt_infos : Cmt_format.cmt_infos;
  2. mutable location_trie : trie;
include sig ... end
val section : string
val cache : (string, Stat_cache.file_id * cmt_item) Hashtbl.t
val file_id : string -> Unix.stats option
val read : string -> cmt_item
val flush : unit -> unit
val clear : unit -> unit

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