package oasis

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
exception Findlib_error of string * exn
exception Plugin_not_found of string
module StringSet : sig ... end
module SetString : sig ... end
val findlib_packages_loaded : SetString.t Pervasives.ref
val add_findlib_package : SetString.elt -> unit
class foo : object ... end
val init : SetString.elt list -> unit
type 'a t = {
  1. system : string;
  2. msg : [> `Debug | `Warning | `Error ] as 'a -> string -> unit;
type entry = {
  1. findlib_name : string;
  2. name : string;
  3. synopsis : string option;
  4. version : string option;
  5. deprecated : bool;
val findfiles : [> `Debug | `Error | `Warning ] t -> string -> string list
module SetEntry : sig ... end
val list : [> `Debug | `Error | `Warning ] t -> SetEntry.elt list
val load : [> `Debug | `Error | `Warning ] t -> string -> unit

Innovation. Community. Security.