package oasis

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

Global context for messages and i18n

  • author Sylvain Le Gall
type level = [
  1. | `Debug
  2. | `Info
  3. | `Warning
  4. | `Error
type t = {
  1. quiet : bool;

    Display nothing.

  2. info : bool;

    Display info messages.

  3. debug : bool;

    Display also debug messages.

  4. ignore_plugins : bool;

    Don't use plugins

  5. ignore_unknown_fields : bool;

    Ignore fields unknown

  6. printf : level -> string -> unit;

    Redirect output

val default : t Pervasives.ref

Default context

val fspecs : unit -> (string * Arg.spec * string) list * (unit -> t)

Command line arguments to create t.

val quiet : t

Quiet context.


Innovation. Community. Security.