package oasis

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

Entry points for ''

  • author Sylvain Le Gall
type std_args_fun = OASISTypes.package -> OASISTypes.arg array -> unit
type ('a, 'b) section_args_fun = * (OASISTypes.package -> (OASISTypes.common_section * 'a) -> OASISTypes.arg array -> 'b)
type t = {
  1. configure : std_args_fun;
  2. build : std_args_fun;
  3. doc : (OASISTypes.doc, unit) section_args_fun list;
  4. test : (OASISTypes.test, float) section_args_fun list;
  5. install : std_args_fun;
  6. uninstall : std_args_fun;
  7. clean : std_args_fun list;
  8. clean_doc : (OASISTypes.doc, unit) section_args_fun list;
  9. clean_test : (OASISTypes.test, unit) section_args_fun list;
  10. distclean : std_args_fun list;
  11. distclean_doc : (OASISTypes.doc, unit) section_args_fun list;
  12. distclean_test : (OASISTypes.test, unit) section_args_fun list;
  13. package : OASISTypes.package;
  14. oasis_fn : string option;

    Filename of _oasis that matches the package field.

  15. oasis_version : string;

    OASIS version that has generated this structure.

  16. oasis_digest : Digest.t option;

    Digest of _oasis that matches the package field.

  17. oasis_exec : string option;

    Name of oasis executable to use, only for testing.

  18. oasis_setup_args : string list;

    Args to use when updating the

  19. setup_update : bool;

    Are we allowed to update the (eq. of -setup-update weak).

val configure : t -> OASISTypes.arg array -> unit

Run the configure step.

val build : t -> OASISTypes.arg array -> unit

Run the build step.

val doc : t -> OASISTypes.arg array -> unit

Run the doc step: build all documents.

val test : t -> OASISTypes.arg array -> unit

Run the test step: run all tests.

val install : t -> OASISTypes.arg array -> unit

Run the install step.

val uninstall : t -> OASISTypes.arg array -> unit

Run the uninstall step.

val clean : t -> OASISTypes.arg array -> unit

Run the clean step.

val distclean : t -> OASISTypes.arg array -> unit

Run the distclean step.

val reinstall : t -> OASISTypes.arg array -> unit

Run the reinstall step: deinstall and install.

val all : t -> OASISTypes.arg array -> unit

Run all steps: configure, build, doc, test and install.

val version : t -> OASISTypes.arg array -> unit

Display OASIS version used to generate this

val setup : t -> unit

The first function called when running ''.

val default_oasis_fn : OASISTypes.host_filename

Default filename for '_oasis'.

val default_filename : OASISTypes.host_filename

Default filename for ''. Not exported

Get template '' file out of the plugin context. Not exported.

val of_package : ?oasis_fn:OASISTypes.host_filename -> ?oasis_exec:OASISTypes.host_filename -> ?oasis_setup_args:string list -> setup_update:bool -> OASISSetupUpdate.t -> OASISTypes.package -> OASISPlugin.context_act * t

Create t and plugin context from an OASIS package and the matching _oasis. Not exported.


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