package oasis

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

Parse '_oasis' file

The whole module is not exported.

  • author Sylvain Le Gall
val default_oasis_fn : OASISTypes.host_filename

Default name of _oasis.

val from_stream : ctxt:OASISContext.t -> ?fn:OASISTypes.host_filename -> char Stream.t -> OASISTypes.package

from_stream ~ctxt ~ignore_plugins ~fn st Parse the OASIS file ~fn and check it. If ~ignore_plugins is set, ignore unknown plugin's fields in the file.

See from_stream, apply to a filename.

val from_string : ctxt:OASISContext.t -> ?fn:OASISTypes.host_filename -> string -> OASISTypes.package

See from_stream, apply to a string.


Innovation. Community. Security.