package leaflet
Module type
Class type
Module type
Class type
Basic layers
val remove : _ t -> unit
remove layer
removes layer
from the map it is currently active on
val unbind_popup : _ t -> unit
unbind_popup layer
unbinds the popup bound to layer
val open_popup : _ t -> unit
open_popup layer
opens the popup bound to layer
val close_popup : _ t -> unit
close_popup layer
closes the popup bound to layer
on event handler layer
add an event listener on layer
for event event
with handler handler
Geojson layers
val create_geojson : Brr.Json.t -> geojson_opt array -> [ `Geojson ] t
create_geojson geojson
is a new geojson layer
Tile layers
type tile_layer_opt =
| Min_zoom of int
| Max_zoom of int
| Subdomains of string array
| Error_tile_url of string
| Zoom_offset of int
| Tms of bool
| Zoom_reverse of bool
| Detect_retina of bool
| Cross_origin of bool
| Referrer_policy of bool
| Tile_size of Point.t
| Opacity of float
| Update_when_idle of bool
| Update_when_zooming of bool
| Update_interval of int
| Z_index of int
| Bounds of Latlng.t * Latlng.t
| Max_native_zoom of int
| Min_native_zoom of int
| No_wrap of bool
| Pane of string
| Class_name of string
| Keep_buffer of int
val create_tile :
string ->
attribution:string ->
tile_layer_opt array ->
[ `Tile ] t
create_tile url attribution opts
create a new tile layer
val create_tile_osm : tile_layer_opt array -> [ `Tile ] t
create_tile_osm opts
create a new tile layer with tile server and attribution set to
. See
create_polyline l
create a polyline layer from l
sectionYPositions = computeSectionYPositions($el), 10)"
x-init="setTimeout(() => sectionYPositions = computeSectionYPositions($el), 10)"