package leaflet

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type t = [ `Marker ] Layer.t
type opt =
  1. | Icon of Icon.t
  2. | Keyboard of bool
  3. | Title of string
  4. | Alt of string
  5. | Z_index_offset of int
  6. | Opacity of float
  7. | Rise_on_hover of bool
  8. | Rise_offset of int
  9. | Pane of string
  10. | Shadow_pane of string
  11. | Bubbling_mouse_events of bool
  12. | Auto_pan_on_focus of bool

type for marker option, used to create marker

val create : Latlng.t -> opt array -> t

create latlng options is a new marker with the same position as latlng and with options set to options

val get_latlng : t -> Latlng.t

Returns the current geographical position of the marker.

val set_latlng : Latlng.t -> t -> unit

Changes the marker position to the given point.

val set_z_index_offset : int -> t -> unit

Changes the zIndex offset of the marker.

val get_icon : t -> Icon.t

Returns the current icon used by the marker

val set_icon : Icon.t -> t -> unit

Changes the marker icon.

val set_opacity : int -> t -> unit

Changes the opacity of the marker.


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