package leaflet

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type t
val to_jv : t -> Jv.t

to_jv o is o as Jv.t

val of_jv : Jv.t -> t

of_jv o is o as Icon.t

type opt =
  1. | Icon_retina_url of string
  2. | Icon_size of Point.t
  3. | Icon_anchor of Point.t
  4. | Popup_anchor of Point.t
  5. | Tooltip_anchor of Point.t
  6. | Shadow_url of string
  7. | Shadow_retina_url of string
  8. | Shadow_size of Point.t
  9. | Shadow_anchor of Point.t
  10. | Class_name of string
  11. | Cross_origin of string option

type for icon option used to create an icon

val create : string -> opt array -> t

create icon_url options Creates an icon instance with the given options, and the required `iconUrl` option set to icon_url

val create_div : html:string option -> bg_pos:Point.t option -> opt array -> t

create_div ~html ~bg_pos options Creates an DivIcon instance with the given options, bg_pos is the optional relative position of the background, in pixels html is custom HTML code to put inside the div element, empty by default.

val set_default_image_path : string -> unit

Sets the path of the default icon


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