package leaflet

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type t
type opt =
  1. | Pane of string
  2. | Offset of Point.t
  3. | Max_width of int
  4. | Min_width of int
  5. | Max_height of int
  6. | Auto_pan of bool
  7. | Auto_pan_padding_top_left of Point.t
  8. | Auto_pan_padding_bottom_right of Point.t
  9. | Auto_pan_padding of Point.t
  10. | Keep_in_view of bool
  11. | Close_button of bool
  12. | Auto_close of bool
  13. | Close_on_escape_key of bool
  14. | Close_on_click of bool
  15. | Class_name of string

type for popup option used to create an popup

val set_latlng : Latlng.t -> t -> unit

set_latlng latlng popup sets popup position to the given point

val set_content : string -> t -> unit

set_content s popup sets popup content to s

val set_content_to_el : Brr.El.t -> t -> unit

set_content_to_el el s sets popup content to el

val of_jv : Jv.t -> t

of_jv jv is jv as t

val to_jv : t -> Jv.t

to_jv o is o as Jv.t

val opt_to_string : opt -> string

opt_to_string opt is opt as string

val opt_to_jv : opt -> Jv.t

opt_to_jv opt is opt as Jv.t

val create : content:string option -> latlng:Latlng.t option -> opt array -> t

create ~content ~latlng options is a new popup setup with options, position set to latlng and content to s

val create_from_el : Brr.El.t -> latlng:Latlng.t option -> opt array -> t

create_from_el el latlng options is a new popup setup with options, position set to latlng and content to el


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