package fstar

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
type int = Z.t
val of_int : int -> Z.t
val int_zero : Z.t
val int_one : Z.t
val parse_int : string -> Z.t
val to_string : Z.t -> string
type tmp = string
val tmp_to_yojson : tmp -> Yojson.Safe.t
val int_to_yojson : Z.t -> Yojson.Safe.t
val int_of_yojson : Yojson.Safe.t -> (Z.t, string) result
type attribute = unit
val cps : attribute
type 'Auu____5 hasEq = unit
type eqtype = unit
type bool' = bool
val bool'_to_yojson : bool' -> Yojson.Safe.t
type bool = bool'
val bool_to_yojson : bool -> Yojson.Safe.t
type empty = unit
type trivial =
  1. | T
val uu___is_T : trivial -> bool
type nonrec unit = unit
type 'Ap squash = unit
type 'Ap auto_squash = unit
type l_True = unit
type l_False = unit
type (!'Aa, !'Ax, !'dummyV0) equals =
  1. | Refl
val uu___is_Refl : 'Aa -> 'Aa -> ('Aa, unit, unit) equals -> bool
type ('Aa, 'Ax, 'Ay) eq2 = unit
type ('Aa, 'Ab, 'Ax, 'Ay) op_Equals_Equals_Equals = unit
type 'Ab b2t = unit
type (!'Ap, !'Aq) pair =
  1. | Pair of 'Ap * 'Aq
val uu___is_Pair : ('Ap, 'Aq) pair -> bool
val __proj__Pair__item___1 : ('Ap, 'Aq) pair -> 'Ap
val __proj__Pair__item___2 : ('Ap, 'Aq) pair -> 'Aq
type ('Ap, 'Aq) l_and = unit
type (!'Ap, !'Aq) sum =
  1. | Left of 'Ap
  2. | Right of 'Aq
val uu___is_Left : ('Ap, 'Aq) sum -> bool
val __proj__Left__item___0 : ('Ap, 'Aq) sum -> 'Ap
val uu___is_Right : ('Ap, 'Aq) sum -> bool
val __proj__Right__item___0 : ('Ap, 'Aq) sum -> 'Aq
type ('Ap, 'Aq) l_or = unit
type ('Ap, 'Aq) l_imp = unit
type ('Ap, 'Aq) l_iff = unit
type 'Ap l_not = unit
type ('Ap, 'Aq, 'Ar) l_ITE = unit
type ('Aa, 'Ab, 'Auu____484, 'Auu____485) precedes = unit
type ('Aa, 'Auu____490, 'Auu____491) has_type = unit
type ('Aa, 'Ap) l_Forall = unit
type prop = unit
val id : 'a -> 'a
type (!'Aa, !'Ab) dtuple2 =
  1. | Mkdtuple2 of 'Aa * 'Ab
val uu___is_Mkdtuple2 : ('Aa, 'Ab) dtuple2 -> bool
val __proj__Mkdtuple2__item___1 : ('Aa, 'Ab) dtuple2 -> 'Aa
val __proj__Mkdtuple2__item___2 : ('Aa, 'Ab) dtuple2 -> 'Ab
type ('Aa, 'Ap) l_Exists = unit
type string' = string
val string'_to_yojson : string' -> Yojson.Safe.t
val show_string' : string' -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.string
type string = string'
val string_to_yojson : string -> Yojson.Safe.t
val show_string : string -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.string
type pure_pre = unit
type ('Aa, 'Apre) pure_post' = unit
type 'Aa pure_post = unit
type 'Aa pure_wp = unit
type 'Auu____655 guard_free = unit
type ('Aa, 'Ax, 'Ap) pure_return = unit
type ('Ar1, 'Aa, 'Ab, !'Awp1, 'Awp2, 'Ap) pure_bind_wp = 'Awp1
type ('Aa, 'Ap, 'Awp_then, 'Awp_else, 'Apost) pure_if_then_else = unit
val pure_if_then_else_to_yojson : ('Aa -> Yojson.Safe.t) -> ('Ap -> Yojson.Safe.t) -> ('Awp_then -> Yojson.Safe.t) -> ('Awp_else -> Yojson.Safe.t) -> ('Apost -> Yojson.Safe.t) -> ('Aa, 'Ap, 'Awp_then, 'Awp_else, 'Apost) pure_if_then_else -> Yojson.Safe.t
type ('Aa, 'Awp, 'Apost) pure_ite_wp = unit
type ('Aa, 'Awp1, 'Awp2) pure_stronger = unit
type ('Aa, 'Ab, 'Awp, 'Ap) pure_close_wp = unit
type ('Aa, 'Aq, 'Awp, 'Ap) pure_assert_p = unit
type ('Aa, 'Aq, 'Awp, 'Ap) pure_assume_p = unit
type ('Aa, 'Ap) pure_null_wp = unit
type ('Aa, !'Awp) pure_trivial = 'Awp
type ('Ap, 'Apost) pure_assert_wp = unit
type ('Aa, !'Awp, 'Auu____878) purewp_id = 'Awp
val op_AmpAmp : bool -> bool -> bool
val op_BarBar : bool -> bool -> bool
val op_Negation : bool -> bool
val (+) : Z.t -> Z.t -> Z.t
val (-) : Z.t -> Z.t -> Z.t
val (*) : Z.t -> Z.t -> Z.t
val (/) : Z.t -> Z.t -> Z.t
val (<=) : Z.t -> Z.t -> bool
val (>=) : Z.t -> Z.t -> bool
val (<) : Z.t -> Z.t -> bool
val (>) : Z.t -> Z.t -> bool
val (mod) : Z.t -> Z.t -> Z.t
val (~-) : Z.t -> Z.t
val op_Multiply : Z.t -> Z.t -> Z.t
val op_Subtraction : Z.t -> Z.t -> Z.t
val op_Addition : Z.t -> Z.t -> Z.t
val op_Minus : Z.t -> Z.t
val op_LessThan : Z.t -> Z.t -> bool
val op_LessThanOrEqual : Z.t -> Z.t -> bool
val op_GreaterThan : Z.t -> Z.t -> bool
val op_GreaterThanOrEqual : Z.t -> Z.t -> bool
val op_Equality : 'a -> 'a -> bool
val op_disEquality : 'a -> 'a -> bool
type nonrec exn = exn
type !'a array' = 'a array
val array'_to_yojson : ('a -> Yojson.Safe.t) -> 'a array' -> Yojson.Safe.t
type !'a array = 'a array'
val array_to_yojson : ('a -> Yojson.Safe.t) -> 'a array -> Yojson.Safe.t
val strcat : string -> string -> string
val op_Hat : string -> string -> string
type !'a list' = 'a list
val list'_to_yojson : ('a -> Yojson.Safe.t) -> 'a list' -> Yojson.Safe.t
type !'a list = 'a list'
val list_to_yojson : ('a -> Yojson.Safe.t) -> 'a list -> Yojson.Safe.t
val uu___is_Nil : 'Aa list -> bool
val uu___is_Cons : 'Aa list -> bool
val __proj__Cons__item__hd : 'Aa list -> 'Aa
val __proj__Cons__item__tl : 'Aa list -> 'Aa list
type pattern = unit
type ('Aa, 'Auu____1278) decreases = unit
val returnM : 'Aa -> 'Aa
type lex_t =
  1. | LexTop
  2. | LexCons of unit * Obj.t * lex_t
val uu___is_LexTop : lex_t -> bool
val uu___is_LexCons : lex_t -> bool
type 'Aprojectee __proj__LexCons__item__a = Obj.t
val __proj__LexCons__item___1 : lex_t -> Obj.t
val __proj__LexCons__item___2 : lex_t -> lex_t
type ('Aa, !'Awp) as_requires = 'Awp
type ('Aa, 'Awp, 'Ax) as_ensures = unit
val admit : unit -> 'a
val magic : unit -> 'a
val unsafe_coerce : 'Aa -> 'Ab
type !'Ap spinoff = 'Ap
type nat = int
type pos = int
type nonzero = int
val op_Modulus : Z.t -> Z.t -> Z.t
val op_Division : Z.t -> Z.t -> Z.t
val pow2 : nat -> pos
val min : int -> int -> int
val abs : int -> int
val string_of_bool : bool -> string
val string_of_int : Z.t -> string

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