package fstar

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
val is_heap_color : -> Prims.bool
type sid = Prims.unit
type 'm map_invariant_predicate = Prims.unit
type 'h downward_closed_predicate = Prims.unit
type ('tip, 'h) tip_top_predicate = Prims.unit
type ('h, 'n) rid_ctr_pred_predicate = Prims.unit
type 'm map_invariant = Prims.unit
type 'h downward_closed = Prims.unit
type ('tip, 'h) tip_top = Prims.unit
type ('h, 'n) rid_ctr_pred = Prims.unit
type ('tip, 'h) is_tip = Prims.unit
type ('h, 'ctr, 'tip) is_wf_with_ctr_and_tip = Prims.unit
val uu___is_HS : mem' -> Prims.bool
val __proj__HS__item__rid_ctr : mem' ->
val __proj__HS__item__h : mem' -> FStar_Monotonic_HyperHeap.hmap
val get_rid_ctr : mem' ->
type mem = mem'
val empty_mem : mem
type 'm poppable = Prims.unit
val remove_elt : 'a FStar_Set.set -> 'a -> 'a FStar_Set.set
type ('m0, 'm1) popped = Prims.unit
val pop : mem -> mem
type (!'a, !'rel) mreference' =
  1. | MkRef of Prims.unit * ('a, 'rel) FStar_Monotonic_Heap.mref
val uu___is_MkRef : ('a, 'rel) mreference' -> Prims.bool
val __proj__MkRef__item__ref : ('a, 'rel) mreference' -> ('a, 'rel) FStar_Monotonic_Heap.mref
type (!'a, !'rel) mreference = ('a, 'rel) mreference'
val mk_mreference : Prims.unit -> 'a FStar_Monotonic_Heap.ref -> ('a, 'rel) mreference
val as_ref : ('uuuuu, 'uuuuu1) mreference -> ('uuuuu, 'uuuuu1) FStar_Monotonic_Heap.mref
type (!'a, !'rel) mstackref = ('a, 'rel) mreference
type (!'a, !'rel) mref = ('a, 'rel) mreference
type (!'a, !'rel) mmmstackref = ('a, 'rel) mreference
type (!'a, !'rel) mmmref = ('a, 'rel) mreference
type ('i, !'a, !'rel) s_mref = ('a, 'rel) mreference
val live_region : mem -> Prims.unit -> Prims.bool
type ('a, 'rel, 'm, 's) contains = Prims.unit
type ('a, 'rel, 'r, 'm) unused_in = Prims.unit
type ('a, 'rel, 'm, 'r) contains_ref_in_its_region = ('a, 'rel, Prims.unit, Prims.unit) FStar_Monotonic_Heap.contains
type ('a, 'rel, 'r, 'm0, 'm1) fresh_ref = Prims.unit
type ('i, 'm0, 'm1) fresh_region = Prims.unit
val alloc : Prims.unit -> 'a -> Prims.bool -> mem -> ('a, 'rel) mreference * mem
val free : ('a, 'rel) mreference -> mem -> mem
val upd_tot : mem -> ('a, 'rel) mreference -> 'a -> mem
val sel_tot : mem -> ('a, 'rel) mreference -> 'a
type ('m0, 'm1) fresh_frame = Prims.unit
val hs_push_frame : mem -> mem
val new_freeable_heap_region : mem -> Prims.unit -> Prims.unit * mem
val free_heap_region : mem -> Prims.unit -> mem
type ('s, 'm0, 'm1) modifies = Prims.unit
type ('s, 'm0, 'm1) modifies_transitively = Prims.unit
type 'm0 heap_only = Prims.unit
val top_frame : mem -> FStar_Monotonic_Heap.heap
type ('id, 'h0, 'h1) modifies_one = Prims.unit
type ('id, 's, 'h0, 'h1) modifies_ref = Prims.unit
type some_ref =
  1. | Ref of Prims.unit * Prims.unit * (Obj.t, Obj.t) mreference
val uu___is_Ref : some_ref -> Prims.bool
val __proj__Ref__item___2 : some_ref -> (Prims.unit, Prims.unit) mreference
type some_refs = some_ref Prims.list
val regions_of_some_refs : some_refs -> Prims.unit FStar_Set.set
type ('i, 'rs, 'h0, 'h1) modifies_some_refs = Obj.t
type ('rs, 'h0, 'h1) mods = Prims.unit
type aref =
  1. | ARef of Prims.unit * FStar_Monotonic_Heap.aref
val uu___is_ARef : aref -> Prims.bool
val __proj__ARef__item__aref_aref : aref -> FStar_Monotonic_Heap.aref
val dummy_aref : aref
val aref_of : ('uuuuu, 'uuuuu1) mreference -> aref
type ('a, 'h) aref_unused_in = Prims.unit
type ('h, 'a, 'v, 'rel) aref_live_at = Prims.unit
val reference_of : mem -> aref -> Prims.unit -> Prims.unit -> (Obj.t, Obj.t) mreference

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