package fstar

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
type base_typ =
  1. | TUInt
  2. | TUInt8
  3. | TUInt16
  4. | TUInt32
  5. | TUInt64
  6. | TInt
  7. | TInt8
  8. | TInt16
  9. | TInt32
  10. | TInt64
  11. | TChar
  12. | TBool
  13. | TUnit
val uu___is_TUInt : base_typ -> Prims.bool
val uu___is_TUInt8 : base_typ -> Prims.bool
val uu___is_TUInt16 : base_typ -> Prims.bool
val uu___is_TUInt32 : base_typ -> Prims.bool
val uu___is_TUInt64 : base_typ -> Prims.bool
val uu___is_TInt : base_typ -> Prims.bool
val uu___is_TInt8 : base_typ -> Prims.bool
val uu___is_TInt16 : base_typ -> Prims.bool
val uu___is_TInt32 : base_typ -> Prims.bool
val uu___is_TInt64 : base_typ -> Prims.bool
val uu___is_TChar : base_typ -> Prims.bool
val uu___is_TBool : base_typ -> Prims.bool
val uu___is_TUnit : base_typ -> Prims.bool
type array_length_t = FStar_UInt32.t
type typ =
  1. | TBase of base_typ
  2. | TStruct of struct_typ
  3. | TUnion of struct_typ
  4. | TArray of array_length_t * typ
  5. | TPointer of typ
  6. | TNPointer of typ
  7. | TBuffer of typ
and struct_typ = {
  1. name : Prims.string;
  2. fields : (Prims.string * typ) Prims.list;
val uu___is_TBase : typ -> Prims.bool
val __proj__TBase__item__b : typ -> base_typ
val uu___is_TStruct : typ -> Prims.bool
val __proj__TStruct__item__l : typ -> struct_typ
val uu___is_TUnion : typ -> Prims.bool
val __proj__TUnion__item__l : typ -> struct_typ
val uu___is_TArray : typ -> Prims.bool
val __proj__TArray__item__length : typ -> array_length_t
val __proj__TArray__item__t : typ -> typ
val uu___is_TPointer : typ -> Prims.bool
val __proj__TPointer__item__t : typ -> typ
val uu___is_TNPointer : typ -> Prims.bool
val __proj__TNPointer__item__t : typ -> typ
val uu___is_TBuffer : typ -> Prims.bool
val __proj__TBuffer__item__t : typ -> typ
val __proj__Mkstruct_typ__item__name : struct_typ -> Prims.string
val __proj__Mkstruct_typ__item__fields : struct_typ -> (Prims.string * typ) Prims.list
type struct_typ' = (Prims.string * typ) Prims.list
type union_typ = struct_typ
type 'l struct_field' = Prims.string
type 'l struct_field = Prims.unit struct_field'
type 'l union_field = Prims.unit struct_field
val typ_of_struct_field' : struct_typ' -> Prims.unit struct_field' -> typ
val typ_of_struct_field : struct_typ -> Prims.unit struct_field -> typ
val typ_of_union_field : union_typ -> Prims.unit union_field -> typ
type (!'dummyV0, !'dummyV1) step =
  1. | StepField of struct_typ * Prims.unit struct_field
  2. | StepUField of union_typ * Prims.unit struct_field
  3. | StepCell of FStar_UInt32.t * typ * FStar_UInt32.t
val uu___is_StepField : typ -> typ -> (Prims.unit, Prims.unit) step -> Prims.bool
val __proj__StepField__item__l : typ -> typ -> (Prims.unit, Prims.unit) step -> struct_typ
val __proj__StepField__item__fd : typ -> typ -> (Prims.unit, Prims.unit) step -> Prims.unit struct_field
val uu___is_StepUField : typ -> typ -> (Prims.unit, Prims.unit) step -> Prims.bool
val __proj__StepUField__item__l : typ -> typ -> (Prims.unit, Prims.unit) step -> union_typ
val __proj__StepUField__item__fd : typ -> typ -> (Prims.unit, Prims.unit) step -> Prims.unit struct_field
val uu___is_StepCell : typ -> typ -> (Prims.unit, Prims.unit) step -> Prims.bool
val __proj__StepCell__item__length : typ -> typ -> (Prims.unit, Prims.unit) step -> FStar_UInt32.t
val __proj__StepCell__item__value : typ -> typ -> (Prims.unit, Prims.unit) step -> typ
val __proj__StepCell__item__index : typ -> typ -> (Prims.unit, Prims.unit) step -> FStar_UInt32.t
type (!'from, !'dummyV0) path =
  1. | PathBase
  2. | PathStep of typ * typ * (Prims.unit, Prims.unit) path * (Prims.unit, Prims.unit) step
val uu___is_PathBase : typ -> typ -> (Prims.unit, Prims.unit) path -> Prims.bool
val uu___is_PathStep : typ -> typ -> (Prims.unit, Prims.unit) path -> Prims.bool
val __proj__PathStep__item__through : typ -> typ -> (Prims.unit, Prims.unit) path -> typ
val __proj__PathStep__item__to : typ -> typ -> (Prims.unit, Prims.unit) path -> typ
val __proj__PathStep__item__p : typ -> typ -> (Prims.unit, Prims.unit) path -> (Prims.unit, Prims.unit) path
val __proj__PathStep__item__s : typ -> typ -> (Prims.unit, Prims.unit) path -> (Prims.unit, Prims.unit) step
type !'to1 _npointer =
  1. | Pointer of typ * FStar_Monotonic_HyperStack.aref * (Prims.unit, Prims.unit) path
  2. | NullPtr
val uu___is_Pointer : typ -> Prims.unit _npointer -> Prims.bool
val __proj__Pointer__item__from : typ -> Prims.unit _npointer -> typ
val __proj__Pointer__item__contents : typ -> Prims.unit _npointer -> FStar_Monotonic_HyperStack.aref
val __proj__Pointer__item__p : typ -> Prims.unit _npointer -> (Prims.unit, Prims.unit) path
val uu___is_NullPtr : typ -> Prims.unit _npointer -> Prims.bool
type 't npointer = Prims.unit _npointer
val nullptr : typ -> Prims.unit npointer
type 't pointer = Prims.unit npointer
type !'t buffer_root =
  1. | BufferRootSingleton of Prims.unit pointer
  2. | BufferRootArray of array_length_t * Prims.unit pointer
val uu___is_BufferRootSingleton : typ -> Prims.unit buffer_root -> Prims.bool
val __proj__BufferRootSingleton__item__p : typ -> Prims.unit buffer_root -> Prims.unit pointer
val uu___is_BufferRootArray : typ -> Prims.unit buffer_root -> Prims.bool
val __proj__BufferRootArray__item__max_length : typ -> Prims.unit buffer_root -> array_length_t
val __proj__BufferRootArray__item__p : typ -> Prims.unit buffer_root -> Prims.unit pointer
val buffer_root_length : typ -> Prims.unit buffer_root -> FStar_UInt32.t
type !'t _buffer =
  1. | Buffer of Prims.unit buffer_root * FStar_UInt32.t * FStar_UInt32.t
val uu___is_Buffer : typ -> Prims.unit _buffer -> Prims.bool
val __proj__Buffer__item__broot : typ -> Prims.unit _buffer -> Prims.unit buffer_root
val __proj__Buffer__item__bidx : typ -> Prims.unit _buffer -> FStar_UInt32.t
val __proj__Buffer__item__blength : typ -> Prims.unit _buffer -> FStar_UInt32.t
type 't buffer = Prims.unit _buffer
type 't type_of_base_typ = Obj.t
type ('length, !'t) array = 't FStar_Seq_Base.seq
type ('l, !'typeuofutyp, 'f) type_of_struct_field'' = 'typeuofutyp
type ('l, !'typeuofutyp, 'f) type_of_struct_field' = (Prims.unit, 'typeuofutyp, Prims.unit) type_of_struct_field''
type (!'key, !'value) gtdata = ('key, 'value) Prims.dtuple2
val _gtdata_get_key : ('key, 'value) gtdata -> 'key
val gtdata_get_value : ('key, 'value) gtdata -> 'key -> 'value
val gtdata_create : 'key -> 'value -> ('key, 'value) gtdata
type 't type_of_typ' = Obj.t
type 'l struct1 = Obj.t
type 'l union = Obj.t
type 't type_of_typ = Obj.t
type ('l, 'uuuuu) type_of_struct_field = Obj.t
val _union_get_key : union_typ -> Obj.t -> Prims.unit struct_field
val struct_sel : struct_typ -> Obj.t -> Prims.unit struct_field -> Obj.t
val struct_literal_wf : struct_typ -> Prims.unit struct_literal -> Prims.bool
val struct_upd : struct_typ -> Obj.t -> Prims.unit struct_field -> Obj.t -> Obj.t
val struct_create_fun : struct_typ -> (Prims.unit struct_field -> Obj.t) -> Obj.t
val struct_create : struct_typ -> Prims.unit struct_literal -> Obj.t
val union_get_value : union_typ -> Obj.t -> Prims.unit struct_field -> Obj.t
val union_create : union_typ -> Prims.unit struct_field -> Obj.t -> Obj.t
val dummy_val : typ -> Obj.t
type 't otype_of_typ = Obj.t
type ('l, 'uuuuu) otype_of_struct_field = Obj.t
val ostruct_create : struct_typ -> (Prims.unit struct_field -> Obj.t) -> Prims.unit ostruct
val ounion_get_value : union_typ -> Prims.unit ounion -> Prims.unit struct_field -> Obj.t
val struct_field_is_readable : struct_typ -> (typ -> Obj.t -> Prims.bool) -> Prims.unit ostruct -> Prims.string -> Prims.bool
val ovalue_is_readable : typ -> Obj.t -> Prims.bool
val ostruct_field_of_struct_field : struct_typ -> (typ -> Obj.t -> Obj.t) -> Obj.t -> Prims.unit struct_field -> Obj.t
val ovalue_of_value : typ -> Obj.t -> Obj.t
val value_of_ovalue : typ -> Obj.t -> Obj.t
val none_ovalue : typ -> Obj.t
val step_sel : typ -> typ -> Obj.t -> (Prims.unit, Prims.unit) step -> Obj.t
val path_sel : typ -> typ -> Obj.t -> (Prims.unit, Prims.unit) path -> Obj.t
val step_upd : typ -> typ -> Obj.t -> (Prims.unit, Prims.unit) step -> Obj.t -> Obj.t
val path_upd : typ -> typ -> Obj.t -> (Prims.unit, Prims.unit) path -> Obj.t -> Obj.t
val path_length : typ -> typ -> (Prims.unit, Prims.unit) path -> Prims.nat
type (!'from, !'dummyV0, !'dummyV1, !'dummyV2, !'dummyV3) path_disjoint_t =
  1. | PathDisjointStep of typ * typ * typ * (Prims.unit, Prims.unit) path * (Prims.unit, Prims.unit) step * (Prims.unit, Prims.unit) step
  2. | PathDisjointIncludes of typ * typ * (Prims.unit, Prims.unit) path * (Prims.unit, Prims.unit) path * typ * typ * (Prims.unit, Prims.unit) path * (Prims.unit, Prims.unit) path * (Prims.unit, Prims.unit, Prims.unit, Prims.unit, Prims.unit) path_disjoint_t
val __proj__PathDisjointStep__item__through : typ -> typ -> typ -> (Prims.unit, Prims.unit) path -> (Prims.unit, Prims.unit) path -> (Prims.unit, Prims.unit, Prims.unit, Prims.unit, Prims.unit) path_disjoint_t -> typ
val __proj__PathDisjointStep__item__to1 : typ -> typ -> typ -> (Prims.unit, Prims.unit) path -> (Prims.unit, Prims.unit) path -> (Prims.unit, Prims.unit, Prims.unit, Prims.unit, Prims.unit) path_disjoint_t -> typ
val __proj__PathDisjointStep__item__to2 : typ -> typ -> typ -> (Prims.unit, Prims.unit) path -> (Prims.unit, Prims.unit) path -> (Prims.unit, Prims.unit, Prims.unit, Prims.unit, Prims.unit) path_disjoint_t -> typ
val __proj__PathDisjointIncludes__item__to1 : typ -> typ -> typ -> (Prims.unit, Prims.unit) path -> (Prims.unit, Prims.unit) path -> (Prims.unit, Prims.unit, Prims.unit, Prims.unit, Prims.unit) path_disjoint_t -> typ
val __proj__PathDisjointIncludes__item__to2 : typ -> typ -> typ -> (Prims.unit, Prims.unit) path -> (Prims.unit, Prims.unit) path -> (Prims.unit, Prims.unit, Prims.unit, Prims.unit, Prims.unit) path_disjoint_t -> typ
val __proj__PathDisjointIncludes__item__to1' : typ -> typ -> typ -> (Prims.unit, Prims.unit) path -> (Prims.unit, Prims.unit) path -> (Prims.unit, Prims.unit, Prims.unit, Prims.unit, Prims.unit) path_disjoint_t -> typ
val __proj__PathDisjointIncludes__item__to2' : typ -> typ -> typ -> (Prims.unit, Prims.unit) path -> (Prims.unit, Prims.unit) path -> (Prims.unit, Prims.unit, Prims.unit, Prims.unit, Prims.unit) path_disjoint_t -> typ
type ('from, 'value1, 'value2, 'p1, 'p2) path_disjoint = Prims.unit
val path_equal : typ -> typ -> typ -> (Prims.unit, Prims.unit) path -> (Prims.unit, Prims.unit) path -> Prims.bool
type (!'from, !'value1, !'value2, !'p1, !'p2) path_disjoint_decomp_t =
  1. | PathDisjointDecomp of typ * (Prims.unit, Prims.unit) path * typ * (Prims.unit, Prims.unit) step * (Prims.unit, Prims.unit) path * typ * (Prims.unit, Prims.unit) step * (Prims.unit, Prims.unit) path * Prims.unit
val __proj__PathDisjointDecomp__item__d_through : typ -> typ -> typ -> (Prims.unit, Prims.unit) path -> (Prims.unit, Prims.unit) path -> (Prims.unit, Prims.unit, Prims.unit, Prims.unit, Prims.unit) path_disjoint_decomp_t -> typ
val __proj__PathDisjointDecomp__item__d_v1 : typ -> typ -> typ -> (Prims.unit, Prims.unit) path -> (Prims.unit, Prims.unit) path -> (Prims.unit, Prims.unit, Prims.unit, Prims.unit, Prims.unit) path_disjoint_decomp_t -> typ
val __proj__PathDisjointDecomp__item__d_v2 : typ -> typ -> typ -> (Prims.unit, Prims.unit) path -> (Prims.unit, Prims.unit) path -> (Prims.unit, Prims.unit, Prims.unit, Prims.unit, Prims.unit) path_disjoint_decomp_t -> typ
val path_equal' : typ -> typ -> typ -> (Prims.unit, Prims.unit) path -> (Prims.unit, Prims.unit) path -> Prims.bool
type ('value, 'p, 'h) unused_in = Obj.t
type pointer_ref_contents = (typ, Obj.t) Prims.dtuple2
type ('value, 'h, 'p) live = Obj.t
type ('value, 'h, 'p) nlive = Obj.t
type ('a, 'h, 'b) readable = Prims.unit
type ('l, 'h, 'p, 's) readable_struct_fields' = Obj.t
type ('l, 'h, 'p, 's) readable_struct_fields = Obj.t
type ('l, 'h, 'p, 'fd) is_active_union_field = Prims.unit
type ('a, 'h, 'b, 'hu, 'bu) equal_values = Prims.unit
val _singleton_buffer_of_pointer : typ -> Prims.unit pointer -> Prims.unit buffer
val singleton_buffer_of_pointer : typ -> Prims.unit pointer -> Prims.unit buffer
val buffer_of_array_pointer : typ -> array_length_t -> Prims.unit pointer -> Prims.unit buffer
type ('t, 'h, 'b) buffer_live = Obj.t
type ('t, 'b, 'h) buffer_unused_in = Obj.t
val offset_buffer : typ -> Prims.unit buffer -> FStar_UInt32.t -> Prims.unit buffer
val pointer_of_buffer_cell : typ -> Prims.unit buffer -> FStar_UInt32.t -> Prims.unit pointer
type ('t, 'h, 'b) buffer_readable' = Prims.unit
type ('t, 'h, 'b) buffer_readable = Prims.unit
type ('value1, 'value2, 'p1, 'p2) disjoint = Obj.t
type loc_aux =
  1. | LocBuffer of typ * Prims.unit buffer
  2. | LocPointer of typ * Prims.unit pointer
val uu___is_LocBuffer : loc_aux -> Prims.bool
val __proj__LocBuffer__item__t : loc_aux -> typ
val __proj__LocBuffer__item__b : loc_aux -> Prims.unit buffer
val uu___is_LocPointer : loc_aux -> Prims.bool
val __proj__LocPointer__item__t : loc_aux -> typ
val __proj__LocPointer__item__p : loc_aux -> Prims.unit pointer
type ('t1, 't2, 'b, 'p) buffer_includes_pointer = Prims.unit
type ('s, 't, 'p) loc_aux_includes_pointer = Obj.t
type ('s, 't, 'b) loc_aux_includes_buffer = Prims.unit
type ('s, 's2) loc_aux_includes = Obj.t
type ('t1, 't2, 'b, 'p) disjoint_buffer_vs_pointer = Prims.unit
type ('l, 't, 'p) loc_aux_disjoint_pointer = Obj.t
type ('l, 't, 'b) loc_aux_disjoint_buffer = Prims.unit
type ('l1, 'l2) loc_aux_disjoint = Obj.t
type ('t, 'p, 'h, 'hu) pointer_preserved = Prims.unit
type ('t, 'b, 'h, 'hu) buffer_preserved = Prims.unit
type ('l, 'h, 'hu) loc_aux_preserved = Obj.t
type ('l, 'r, 'n) loc_aux_in_addr = Obj.t
type ('r, 'n) aloc = loc_aux
type loc = Prims.unit
type ('s1, 's2) loc_includes = Prims.unit
type ('s1, 's2) loc_disjoint = Prims.unit
type ('s, 'h1, 'h2) modifies = Prims.unit
type ('h0, 'h1) modifies_0 = Prims.unit
type ('t, 'p, 'h0, 'h1) modifies_1 = Prims.unit
val read : typ -> Prims.unit pointer -> Obj.t
val is_null : typ -> Prims.unit npointer -> Prims.bool
val owrite : typ -> Prims.unit pointer -> Obj.t -> Prims.unit
val write : typ -> Prims.unit pointer -> Obj.t -> Prims.unit
val read_buffer : typ -> Prims.unit buffer -> FStar_UInt32.t -> Obj.t
val write_buffer : typ -> Prims.unit buffer -> FStar_UInt32.t -> Obj.t -> Prims.unit
type ('t, 'blarge, 'bsmall) buffer_includes = Prims.unit
type ('uuuuu, 'uuuuu1) cloc_aloc = (Prims.unit, Prims.unit) aloc

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