package fstar

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
type pattern = Prims.unit
type eqtype_u = Prims.unit
type !'p spinoff = 'p
val id : 'a -> 'a
type ('a, 'uuuuu) trivial_pure_post = Prims.unit
type ('uuuuu, 'uuuuu1) ambient = Prims.unit
type ('a, 'x, 'uuuuu) pure_return = Prims.unit
type ('a, 'b, !'wp1, 'wp2, 'uuuuu) pure_bind_wp = 'wp1
type ('a, 'p, 'wputhen, 'wpuelse, 'uuuuu) pure_if_then_else = Prims.unit
type ('a, 'wp, 'uuuuu) pure_ite_wp = Prims.unit
type ('a, 'b, 'wp, 'uuuuu) pure_close_wp = Prims.unit
type ('a, 'uuuuu) pure_null_wp = Prims.unit
type ('p, 'uuuuu) pure_assert_wp = Prims.unit
type ('p, 'uuuuu) pure_assume_wp = Prims.unit
type ('a, 'pre, 'post, 'uuuuu) div_hoare_to_wp = Prims.unit
type 'heap st_pre_h = Prims.unit
type ('heap, 'a, 'pre) st_post_h' = Prims.unit
type ('heap, 'a) st_post_h = Prims.unit
type ('heap, 'a) st_wp_h = Prims.unit
type ('heap, 'a, 'x, !'p, 'uuuuu) st_return = 'p
type ('heap, 'a, 'b, !'wp1, 'wp2, 'p, 'h0) st_bind_wp = 'wp1
type ('heap, 'a, 'p, 'wputhen, 'wpuelse, 'post, 'h0) st_if_then_else = Prims.unit
type ('heap, 'a, 'wp, 'post, 'h0) st_ite_wp = Prims.unit
type ('heap, 'a, 'wp1, 'wp2) st_stronger = Prims.unit
type ('heap, 'a, 'b, 'wp, 'p, 'h) st_close_wp = Prims.unit
type ('heap, 'a, 'wp) st_trivial = Prims.unit
type !'a result =
  1. | V of 'a
  2. | E of Prims.exn
  3. | Err of Prims.string
val uu___is_V : 'a result -> Prims.bool
val __proj__V__item__v : 'a result -> 'a
val uu___is_E : 'a result -> Prims.bool
val __proj__E__item__e : 'a result -> Prims.exn
val uu___is_Err : 'a result -> Prims.bool
val __proj__Err__item__msg : 'a result -> Prims.string
type ex_pre = Prims.unit
type ('a, 'pre) ex_post' = Prims.unit
type 'a ex_post = Prims.unit
type 'a ex_wp = Prims.unit
type ('a, 'x, !'p) ex_return = 'p
type ('a, 'b, 'wp1, 'wp2, 'p) ex_bind_wp = Prims.unit
type ('a, 'p, 'wputhen, 'wpuelse, 'post) ex_if_then_else = Prims.unit
type ('a, 'wp, 'post) ex_ite_wp = Prims.unit
type ('a, 'wp1, 'wp2) ex_stronger = Prims.unit
type ('a, 'b, 'wp, 'p) ex_close_wp = Prims.unit
type ('a, !'wp) ex_trivial = 'wp
type ('a, !'wp, 'p) lift_div_exn = 'wp
type 'h all_pre_h = Prims.unit
type ('h, 'a, 'pre) all_post_h' = Prims.unit
type ('h, 'a) all_post_h = Prims.unit
type ('h, 'a) all_wp_h = Prims.unit
type ('heap, 'a, 'x, !'p, 'uuuuu) all_return = 'p
type ('heap, 'a, 'b, !'wp1, 'wp2, 'p, 'h0) all_bind_wp = 'wp1
type ('heap, 'a, 'p, 'wputhen, 'wpuelse, 'post, 'h0) all_if_then_else = Prims.unit
type ('heap, 'a, 'wp, 'post, 'h0) all_ite_wp = Prims.unit
type ('heap, 'a, 'wp1, 'wp2) all_stronger = Prims.unit
type ('heap, 'a, 'b, 'wp, 'p, 'h) all_close_wp = Prims.unit
type ('heap, 'a, 'wp) all_trivial = Prims.unit
type 'uuuuu inversion = Prims.unit
type (!'a, !'b) either =
  1. | Inl of 'a
  2. | Inr of 'b
val uu___is_Inl : ('a, 'b) either -> Prims.bool
val __proj__Inl__item__v : ('a, 'b) either -> 'a
val uu___is_Inr : ('a, 'b) either -> Prims.bool
val __proj__Inr__item__v : ('a, 'b) either -> 'b
val dfst : ('a, 'b) Prims.dtuple2 -> 'a
val dsnd : ('a, 'b) Prims.dtuple2 -> 'b
type (!'a, !'b, !'c) dtuple3 =
  1. | Mkdtuple3 of 'a * 'b * 'c
val uu___is_Mkdtuple3 : ('a, 'b, 'c) dtuple3 -> Prims.bool
val __proj__Mkdtuple3__item___1 : ('a, 'b, 'c) dtuple3 -> 'a
val __proj__Mkdtuple3__item___2 : ('a, 'b, 'c) dtuple3 -> 'b
val __proj__Mkdtuple3__item___3 : ('a, 'b, 'c) dtuple3 -> 'c
type (!'a, !'b, !'c, !'d) dtuple4 =
  1. | Mkdtuple4 of 'a * 'b * 'c * 'd
val uu___is_Mkdtuple4 : ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd) dtuple4 -> Prims.bool
val __proj__Mkdtuple4__item___1 : ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd) dtuple4 -> 'a
val __proj__Mkdtuple4__item___2 : ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd) dtuple4 -> 'b
val __proj__Mkdtuple4__item___3 : ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd) dtuple4 -> 'c
val __proj__Mkdtuple4__item___4 : ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd) dtuple4 -> 'd
type (!'a, !'b, !'c, !'d, !'e) dtuple5 =
  1. | Mkdtuple5 of 'a * 'b * 'c * 'd * 'e
val uu___is_Mkdtuple5 : ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e) dtuple5 -> Prims.bool
val __proj__Mkdtuple5__item___1 : ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e) dtuple5 -> 'a
val __proj__Mkdtuple5__item___2 : ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e) dtuple5 -> 'b
val __proj__Mkdtuple5__item___3 : ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e) dtuple5 -> 'c
val __proj__Mkdtuple5__item___4 : ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e) dtuple5 -> 'd
val __proj__Mkdtuple5__item___5 : ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e) dtuple5 -> 'e
val false_elim : Prims.unit -> 'uuuuu
val singleton : 'uuuuu -> 'uuuuu
type !'a eqtype_as_type = 'a
val coerce_eq : Prims.unit -> 'a -> 'b

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