package coq

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
module UPairSet : sig ... end
val set_minimization : bool ref
val is_set_minimization : unit -> bool
val pr_with_global_universes : Univ.Level.t -> Pp.t
val reference_of_level : Univ.Level.t -> Libnames.reference
val add_global_universe : Univ.Level.t -> Decl_kinds.polymorphic -> unit
val is_polymorphic : Univ.Level.t -> bool
type universe_binders = Univ.Level.t Names.Id.Map.t
val empty_binders : universe_binders
val register_universe_binders : Globnames.global_reference -> universe_binders -> unit
val universe_binders_of_global : Globnames.global_reference -> universe_binders
type univ_name_list = Misctypes.lname list
val universe_binders_with_opt_names : Globnames.global_reference -> Univ.Level.t list -> univ_name_list option -> universe_binders
type universe_id = Names.DirPath.t * int
val set_remote_new_univ_id : universe_id RemoteCounter.installer
val new_univ_id : unit -> universe_id
val new_univ_level : unit -> Univ.Level.t
val new_univ : unit -> Univ.Universe.t
val new_Type : unit -> Constr.types
val new_Type_sort : unit -> Sorts.t
val new_global_univ : unit -> Univ.Universe.t Univ.in_universe_context_set
val new_sort_in_family : -> Sorts.t
type universe_constraint =
  1. | ULe of Univ.Universe.t * Univ.Universe.t
  2. | UEq of Univ.Universe.t * Univ.Universe.t
  3. | ULub of Univ.Level.t * Univ.Level.t
  4. | UWeak of Univ.Level.t * Univ.Level.t
module Constraints : sig ... end
type universe_constraints = Constraints.t
  • deprecated Use Constraints.t
type !'a constraint_accumulator = Constraints.t -> 'a -> 'a option
type !'a universe_constrained = 'a * Constraints.t
type !'a universe_constraint_function = 'a -> 'a -> Constraints.t -> Constraints.t
val subst_univs_universe_constraints : Univ.universe_subst_fn -> Constraints.t -> Constraints.t
val enforce_eq_instances_univs : bool -> Univ.Instance.t universe_constraint_function
val to_constraints : force_weak:bool -> UGraph.t -> Constraints.t -> Univ.Constraint.t
val fresh_instance_from_context : Univ.AUContext.t -> Univ.Instance.t Univ.constrained
val fresh_universe_context_set_instance : Univ.ContextSet.t -> Univ.universe_level_subst * Univ.ContextSet.t
module UF : sig ... end
val subst_univs_constraints : Univ.universe_subst_fn -> Univ.Constraint.t -> Univ.Constraint.t
val subst_univs_constr : Univ.universe_subst -> Constr.constr -> Constr.constr
type universe_opt_subst = Univ.Universe.t option Univ.universe_map
val subst_opt_univs_constr : universe_opt_subst -> Constr.constr -> Constr.constr
val normalize_univ_variable : find:(Univ.Level.t -> Univ.Universe.t) -> update:(Univ.Level.t -> Univ.Universe.t -> Univ.Universe.t) -> Univ.Level.t -> Univ.Universe.t
val normalize_univ_variable_opt_subst : universe_opt_subst ref -> Univ.Level.t -> Univ.Universe.t
val normalize_univ_variable_subst : Univ.universe_subst ref -> Univ.Level.t -> Univ.Universe.t
val normalize_universe_opt_subst : universe_opt_subst ref -> Univ.Universe.t -> Univ.Universe.t
val normalize_universe_subst : Univ.universe_subst ref -> Univ.Universe.t -> Univ.Universe.t
val constr_of_global : Globnames.global_reference -> Constr.constr
val constr_of_reference : Globnames.global_reference -> Constr.constr
  • deprecated synonym of [constr_of_global]
val nf_evars_and_universes_opt_subst : (Constr.existential -> Constr.constr option) -> universe_opt_subst -> Constr.constr -> Constr.constr
val refresh_constraints : UGraph.t -> Univ.ContextSet.t -> Univ.ContextSet.t * UGraph.t
val pr_universe_opt_subst : universe_opt_subst -> Pp.t
val solve_constraints_system : Univ.Universe.t option array -> Univ.Universe.t array -> Univ.Universe.t array -> Univ.Universe.t array

Innovation. Community. Security.