package coq

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
type cl_typ =
  1. | CL_SORT
  2. | CL_FUN
  3. | CL_SECVAR of Names.variable
  4. | CL_CONST of Names.Constant.t
  5. | CL_IND of Names.inductive
  6. | CL_PROJ of Names.Constant.t
val cl_typ_eq : cl_typ -> cl_typ -> bool
val subst_cl_typ : Mod_subst.substitution -> cl_typ -> cl_typ
val cl_typ_ord : cl_typ -> cl_typ -> int
type cl_info_typ = {
  1. cl_param : int;
type coe_info_typ
type cl_index
type coe_index
type inheritance_path = coe_index list
val class_exists : cl_typ -> bool
val class_info : cl_typ -> cl_index * cl_info_typ
val class_info_from_index : cl_index -> cl_typ * cl_info_typ
val inductive_class_of : Names.inductive -> cl_index
val class_args_of : Environ.env -> Evd.evar_map -> EConstr.types -> EConstr.constr list
val declare_coercion : coe_typ -> ?local:bool -> isid:bool -> src:cl_typ -> target:cl_typ -> params:int -> unit
val coercion_exists : coe_typ -> bool
val coercion_value : coe_index -> (EConstr.unsafe_judgment * bool * bool) Univ.in_universe_context_set
val lookup_path_between_class : (cl_index * cl_index) -> inheritance_path
val lookup_path_to_fun_from : Environ.env -> Evd.evar_map -> EConstr.types -> EConstr.types * inheritance_path
val lookup_path_to_sort_from : Environ.env -> Evd.evar_map -> EConstr.types -> EConstr.types * inheritance_path
val lookup_pattern_path_between : Environ.env -> (Names.inductive * Names.inductive) -> (Names.constructor * int) list
val install_path_printer : (Environ.env -> Evd.evar_map -> ((cl_index * cl_index) * inheritance_path) -> Pp.t) -> unit
val string_of_class : cl_typ -> string
val pr_class : cl_typ -> Pp.t
val pr_cl_index : cl_index -> Pp.t
val get_coercion_value : coe_index -> Constr.t
val inheritance_graph : unit -> ((cl_index * cl_index) * inheritance_path) list
val classes : unit -> cl_typ list
val coercions : unit -> coe_index list
val hide_coercion : coe_typ -> int option

Innovation. Community. Security.