package coq

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
type lident = Names.Id.t CAst.t
type lname = Names.Name.t CAst.t
type lstring = string CAst.t
type patvar = Names.Id.t
type !'constr intro_pattern_expr =
  1. | IntroForthcoming of bool
  2. | IntroNaming of intro_pattern_naming_expr
  3. | IntroAction of 'constr intro_pattern_action_expr
and intro_pattern_naming_expr =
  1. | IntroIdentifier of Names.Id.t
  2. | IntroFresh of Names.Id.t
  3. | IntroAnonymous
and !'constr intro_pattern_action_expr =
  1. | IntroWildcard
  2. | IntroOrAndPattern of 'constr or_and_intro_pattern_expr
  3. | IntroInjection of 'constr intro_pattern_expr CAst.t list
  4. | IntroApplyOn of 'constr CAst.t * 'constr intro_pattern_expr CAst.t
  5. | IntroRewrite of bool
and !'constr or_and_intro_pattern_expr =
  1. | IntroOrPattern of 'constr intro_pattern_expr CAst.t list list
  2. | IntroAndPattern of 'constr intro_pattern_expr CAst.t list
type !'id move_location =
  1. | MoveAfter of 'id
  2. | MoveBefore of 'id
  3. | MoveFirst
  4. | MoveLast
type !'a glob_sort_gen =
  1. | GProp
  2. | GSet
  3. | GType of 'a
type !'a universe_kind =
  1. | UAnonymous
  2. | UUnknown
  3. | UNamed of 'a
type glob_level = level_info glob_sort_gen
type glob_constraint = glob_level * Univ.constraint_type * glob_level
type sort_info = (Libnames.reference * int) option list
type glob_sort = sort_info glob_sort_gen
type existential_key = Evar.t
type case_style = Constr.case_style =
  1. | LetStyle
  2. | IfStyle
  3. | LetPatternStyle
  4. | MatchStyle
  5. | RegularStyle
  • deprecated Alias for Constr.case_style
type !'a cast_type =
  1. | CastConv of 'a
  2. | CastVM of 'a
  3. | CastCoerce
  4. | CastNative of 'a
type quantified_hypothesis =
  1. | AnonHyp of int
  2. | NamedHyp of Names.Id.t
type !'a explicit_bindings = (quantified_hypothesis * 'a) CAst.t list
type !'a bindings =
  1. | ImplicitBindings of 'a list
  2. | ExplicitBindings of 'a explicit_bindings
  3. | NoBindings
type !'a with_bindings = 'a * 'a bindings
type !'a or_var =
  1. | ArgArg of 'a
  2. | ArgVar of lident
type !'a and_short_name = 'a * lident option
type !'a or_by_notation_r =
  1. | AN of 'a
  2. | ByNotation of string * string option
type !'a or_by_notation = 'a or_by_notation_r CAst.t
type module_kind =
  1. | Module
  2. | ModType
  3. | ModAny
type direction_flag = bool
type evars_flag = bool
type rec_flag = bool
type advanced_flag = bool
type letin_flag = bool
type clear_flag = bool option
type multi =
  1. | Precisely of int
  2. | UpTo of int
  3. | RepeatStar
  4. | RepeatPlus
type !'a core_destruction_arg =
  1. | ElimOnConstr of 'a
  2. | ElimOnIdent of lident
  3. | ElimOnAnonHyp of int
type !'a destruction_arg = clear_flag * 'a core_destruction_arg
type inversion_kind =
  1. | SimpleInversion
  2. | FullInversion
  3. | FullInversionClear
type (!'a, !'b) gen_universe_decl = {
  1. univdecl_instance : 'a;
  2. univdecl_extensible_instance : bool;
  3. univdecl_constraints : 'b;
  4. univdecl_extensible_constraints : bool;

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