package coq

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
type struc_typ = {
  1. s_CONST : Names.constructor;
  2. s_EXPECTEDPARAM : int;
  3. s_PROJKIND : (Names.Name.t * bool) list;
  4. s_PROJ : Names.Constant.t option list;
type struc_tuple = Names.inductive * Names.constructor * (Names.Name.t * bool) list * Names.Constant.t option list
val declare_structure : struc_tuple -> unit
val lookup_structure : Names.inductive -> struc_typ
val lookup_projections : Names.inductive -> Names.Constant.t option list
val find_projection_nparams : Globnames.global_reference -> int
val find_projection : Globnames.global_reference -> struc_typ
type cs_pattern =
  1. | Const_cs of Globnames.global_reference
  2. | Prod_cs
  3. | Sort_cs of
  4. | Default_cs
type obj_typ = {
  1. o_DEF : Constr.constr;
  2. o_CTX : Univ.AUContext.t;
  3. o_INJ : int option;
  4. o_TABS : Constr.constr list;
  5. o_TPARAMS : Constr.constr list;
  6. o_NPARAMS : int;
  7. o_TCOMPS : Constr.constr list;
val cs_pattern_of_constr : Environ.env -> Constr.constr -> cs_pattern * int option * Constr.constr list
val pr_cs_pattern : cs_pattern -> Pp.t
val lookup_canonical_conversion : (Globnames.global_reference * cs_pattern) -> Constr.constr * obj_typ
val declare_canonical_structure : Globnames.global_reference -> unit
val is_open_canonical_projection : Environ.env -> Evd.evar_map -> Reductionops.state -> bool
val canonical_projections : unit -> ((Globnames.global_reference * cs_pattern) * obj_typ) list

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