package why3
type namespace = {
ns_ts : Ity.itysymbol Wstdlib.Mstr.t;
ns_ps : prog_symbol Wstdlib.Mstr.t;
ns_xs : Ity.xsymbol Wstdlib.Mstr.t;
ns_ns : namespace Wstdlib.Mstr.t;
val ns_find_prog_symbol : namespace -> string list -> prog_symbol
val ns_find_its : namespace -> string list -> Ity.itysymbol
val ns_find_pv : namespace -> string list -> Ity.pvsymbol
val ns_find_xs : namespace -> string list -> Ity.xsymbol
val ns_find_rs : namespace -> string list -> Expr.rsymbol
val overload_of_rs : Expr.rsymbol -> overload
val ref_attr : Ident.attribute
type pmodule = private {
mod_theory : Theory.theory;
mod_units : mod_unit list;
mod_export : namespace;
mod_known : Pdecl.known_map;
mod_local : Ident.Sid.t;
mod_used : Ident.Sid.t;
and mod_unit =
| Udecl of Pdecl.pdecl
| Uuse of pmodule
| Uclone of mod_inst
| Umeta of Theory.meta * Theory.meta_arg list
| Uscope of string * mod_unit list
and mod_inst = {
mi_mod : pmodule;
mi_ty : Ity.ity Ty.Mts.t;
mi_ts : Ity.itysymbol Ty.Mts.t;
mi_ls : Term.lsymbol Term.Mls.t;
mi_pr : Decl.prsymbol Decl.Mpr.t;
mi_pk : Decl.prop_kind Decl.Mpr.t;
mi_pv : Ity.pvsymbol Term.Mvs.t;
mi_rs : Expr.rsymbol Expr.Mrs.t;
mi_xs : Ity.xsymbol Ity.Mxs.t;
mi_df : Decl.prop_kind;
type pmodule_uc = private {
muc_theory : Theory.theory_uc;
muc_units : mod_unit list;
muc_import : namespace list;
muc_export : namespace list;
muc_known : Pdecl.known_map;
muc_local : Ident.Sid.t;
muc_used : Ident.Sid.t;
muc_env : Env.env;
val create_module : Env.env -> ?path:string list -> Ident.preid -> pmodule_uc
val close_module : pmodule_uc -> pmodule
val open_scope : pmodule_uc -> string -> pmodule_uc
val close_scope : pmodule_uc -> import:bool -> pmodule_uc
val import_scope : pmodule_uc -> string list -> pmodule_uc
val restore_path : Ident.ident -> string list * string * string list
val restore_module_id : Ident.ident -> pmodule
val restore_module : Theory.theory -> pmodule
val use_export : pmodule_uc -> pmodule -> pmodule_uc
val clone_export : pmodule_uc -> pmodule -> mod_inst -> pmodule_uc
val add_meta : pmodule_uc -> Theory.meta -> Theory.meta_arg list -> pmodule_uc
val add_pdecl :
?warn:bool ->
vc:bool ->
pmodule_uc ->
Pdecl.pdecl ->
val builtin_module : pmodule
val bool_module : pmodule
val unit_module : pmodule
val highord_module : pmodule
val tuple_module : int -> pmodule
val ref_module : pmodule
val its_ref : Ity.itysymbol
val ts_ref : Ty.tysymbol
val rs_ref : Expr.rsymbol
val rs_ref_cons : Expr.rsymbol
val rs_ref_proj : Expr.rsymbol
val ls_ref_cons : Term.lsymbol
val ls_ref_proj : Term.lsymbol
type mlw_file = pmodule Wstdlib.Mstr.t
val mlw_language : mlw_file Env.language
val mlw_language_builtin : Env.pathname -> mlw_file
exception ModuleNotFound of Env.pathname * string
val read_module : Env.env -> Env.pathname -> string -> pmodule
val print_unit : Format.formatter -> mod_unit -> unit
val print_module : Format.formatter -> pmodule -> unit
sectionYPositions = computeSectionYPositions($el), 10)"
x-init="setTimeout(() => sectionYPositions = computeSectionYPositions($el), 10)"