package travesty

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

Generic_on_applicative extends Generic to contain various derived operators; we use it to derive the signatures of the various On modules.

  • For arity-0 types, ('l, 'r) t becomes t, 'l left becomes left, and 'r right becomes right.
  • For arity-1 types with a fixed right type, ('l, 'r) t becomes 'l t, 'l left becomes 'l, and 'r right becomes right.
  • For arity-1 types with a fixed left type, ('l, 'r) t becomes 'l t, 'l left becomes left, and 'r right becomes 'r.
  • For arity-2 types, ('l, 'r) t becomes ('l, 'r) t, 'l left becomes 'l, and 'r right becomes 'r.
include Basic_generic_on_applicative
include Generic_types.Bi_generic
type ('l, 'r) t

Generic container type.

type 'l left

Generic left type.

type 'r right

Generic right type.

module M : Base.Applicative.S

M is the applicative functor over which we're bi-traversing.

val bi_map_m : ('l1, 'r1) t -> left:('l1 left -> 'l2 left M.t) -> right:('r1 right -> 'r2 right M.t) -> ('l2, 'r2) t M.t

bi_map_m c ~left ~right traverses with left over every 'l1 left, and right over every 'r1 right, in c.

val map_left_m : ('l1, 'r) t -> f:('l1 left -> 'l2 left M.t) -> ('l2, 'r) t M.t

map_left_m c ~f monadically traverses over the left type of c only, using f.

val map_right_m : ('l, 'r1) t -> f:('r1 right -> 'r2 right M.t) -> ('l, 'r2) t M.t

map_right_m c ~f monadically traverses f over the right type of c only, using f.


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