sectionYPositions = computeSectionYPositions($el), 10)"
x-init="setTimeout(() => sectionYPositions = computeSectionYPositions($el), 10)"
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Chain_Bi2_Map1 (Bi) (Map)
composes a bi-map Bi
on an inner arity-2 container over a map Map
over an outer arity-1 container.
module Bi : Bi_mappable_types.S2
module Map : Mappable_types.S1
Type of containers.
include Bi_mappable_types.Generic
with type ('l, 'r) t := ('l, 'r) t
and type 'l left := 'l
and type 'r right := 'r
include Bi_mappable_types.Basic_generic
with type ('l, 'r) t := ('l, 'r) t
with type 'l left := 'l
with type 'r right := 'r
include Generic_types.Bi_generic
with type ('l, 'r) t := ('l, 'r) t
with type 'l left := 'l
with type 'r right := 'r
map_left c ~f
maps f
over the left type of c