package stk

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

Such a theme associates properties to text tags. These properties are used by Textview.textview widget to display characters according to their tags. A theme also has properties, to get default values for properties not associated to text tags.

type t

A theme.

val compare : t -> t -> int
val equal : t -> t -> bool
val pp : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> t -> unit
val init : unit -> unit

Initialization. It is called by App.init.

val default : t

The default tag theme, with name "default".

val name : t -> string

Get theme name.

val get_by_name : string -> t option

Get theme by name, if it exists.

val create : ?tags:Props.t TMap.t -> ?props:Props.t -> string -> t

create name creates a new theme. Optional arguments:

  • tags: initialize theme with a mapping of text tags to properties,
  • props: global properties of theme.

If a theme with the same name already exists, a warning is issued and the existing theme is returned.

val props : t -> Props.t

Get properties of theme.

val set_props : t -> Props.t -> unit

Set properties of theme.

val set_tag : t -> T.t -> Props.t -> unit

set_tag theme tag props set tag properties in theme.

val opt_props : t -> T.t -> Props.t option

opt_props theme tag returns properties of tag in theme, if tag is defined in theme.

val tag_props : t -> T.t -> Props.t

tag_props theme tag gets the properties of tag in theme. If tag has no properties, then an empty Props.t is associated to this tag in theme and is returned.

val set_tag_prop : t -> T.t -> 'a Props.prop -> 'a -> unit

set_tag_prop theme tag p v sets value v to property p of tag in theme.

val merge_tag_props : t -> TSet.t -> Props.t -> Props.t

merge_tag_props theme set props merge tags properties with initial props properties. Properties of first created tags are merged first. This function is used by Textview.textview widget to compute the properties of a character according to its tags.

val get_or_create : ?tags:Props.t TMap.t -> ?props:Props.t -> string -> t

get_or_create name gets theme with given name if it exists, or else create it. Optional arguments:

  • tags: a mapping of text tags to properties. It is set as initial map if theme is created. If theme already exists, properties of each tag in the theme are merged with the properties of the same tag in the map.
  • props: global properties of theme. If the theme already exists, its properties are merged with props.
val prop : string Props.prop

Property "tagtheme" to store the name of the tag theme. Default is "default". Inherited.

val to_json : t -> Yojson.Safe.t

to_json t returns a JSON representation of t.

val from_json : string -> Yojson.Safe.t -> t

from_json name json creates theme name and sets properties and text tags properties from json description. The function uses get_or_create so an existing theme with the same name will be modified by this function.


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