Function for each log level inserts the given message with a tag associated to header characters: Texttag.tag_debug, Texttag.tag_info, Texttag.tag_warning, Texttag.tag_error or Texttag.tag_app.
The theme property of the widget will use this tag to display the message header with the required text properties.
method debug : ?src:Logs.src ->string -> unit
method info : ?src:Logs.src ->string -> unit
method warn : ?src:Logs.src ->string -> unit
method error : ?src:Logs.src ->string -> unit
method app : ?src:Logs.src ->string -> unit
method insert_msg : ?src:Logs.src ->tags:Stk.Texttag.T.t list->string ->
insert_msg ?src ~tags str inserts the given message str. Optional argument src indicates the log source. If it is provided, then the message is preceded by the string "[source]" associated to given text tags. source is the log source name.
method raw : string -> unit
v#raw str prints message str with no tags and no source.
method print : ?src:Logs.src ->Logs.level ->string -> unit