package stk

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

A widget to display Logs message.

val max_size : int Props.prop

Property "log_max_size" so that log will not keep more characters than specified. Default is 30_000.

class textlog : ?class_:string option -> ?name:string option -> ?props:Props.t option -> unit -> object ... end

The textlog widgets to display log messages.

val textlog : ?class_:string -> ?name:string -> ?props:Props.t -> ?theme:string -> ?maxsize:int -> ?pack:(Widget.widget -> unit) -> unit -> textlog

Convenient function to create a textlog. max_size can specified a value for max_size property. theme can specify a theme name to use. See widget_arguments for other arguments.

val reporter : textlog -> Logs.reporter

reporter textlog creates a Logs.reporter which will dispatch log messages according to the presence of Log.tag in message tags: if present, the message is a Stk log message and will be displayed on stderr, else if will be displayed in the textlog widget.


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