package opam-lib

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

Solver heuristics.

This module tries to turn an efficient solution checker (such as the one provided by the dose3 library, writen by J. Vouillon) into a relatively good solution finder.

The method we are using is the following:

  • We ultimately rely on a brute-force exploration loop, where we iterate over the state-space implicitely, using a monotonous successor function which encodes the optimization criteria we are interested in;
  • As brute-force exploration is costly, the goal is to provide the exploration function a state-space as small as possible. To do so, we use different kind of constraints that we deduce from the request;
  • We remove from the state-space every packages and versions that are not needed: we are only considering (i) the installed root packages (with no specific version constraint); (ii) the new packages that the user might have asking to install or upgrade (with some eventual version constraints); and (iii) the transitive closure of (i) and (ii) (with the corresponding version constraints);

Finally, we run all this in a loop, until we reach a fix point. We use a timeout to interrupt too long explorations.

High-level API

Optimized resolution

Internal API

These functions can be used independently of OPAM, so we document them here. It is not expected than any other file in OPAM use them, though.

type 'a state = 'a list

A state. In our case, it is a list package we would like to see installed.

type 'a state_space = 'a array list

A state space. In our case, it is a collection of available packages: each cell contains all the versions available for one package, ordered by version.

Integer space

The hearth of the brute-force algorithm lies here. Wwe want to iterate on the state-space (which can be hudge) and stop the first time we hit a consistant state. This means two things: (i) we don't want to build the full universe before iterating on it; (ii) we need to enumerate the states in a meaningful order, eg. an order which should reflect the optimization criteria we are intersted in.

To overcome this difficulties, we use a monotonous successor function to compute the next state to test from a given valid non-consistent state, see succ for more details.

val zero : int -> int state

zero n returns the tuple with n zeros, which is the first state to explore.

val succ : bounds:int list -> int state -> int state option

Given a list of bounds and a tuple, return the next tuple which satisfies the bounds (each component will be stricly lesser than the bounds). The enumeration respect the following invariant:

  • it is complete, eg. all the state are enumerated until None is returned.
  • it it monotonous: the sum of components always increase, eg. |succ x| >= |x|, where |None| is max_int, |Some x| = |x| and |(x_1,...,x_n) = x_1 + ... + x_n|.

That enumeration encodes the heuristic we are trying to implement, which is: we first try to install the 'ideal' state, where all packages are installed with their most recent versions; if this does not work, we try to minimize the distance between the ideal state and the solution we are proposing.

Polymorphic space
val brute_force : ?verbose:bool -> dump:('a state -> unit) -> ('a state -> bool) -> 'a state_space -> 'a state option

explore is_constent state_space explore a state space by implicitely enumerating all the state in a sensitive order.

Package space

Build a state space from a list of package names. The filter option helps to reduce the size of the state-space, which is useful to deal with both user-defined constraints (added on the command line for instance) and refined requests (see below).

val explore : ?verbose:bool -> Cudf.universe -> Cudf.package state_space -> Cudf.package state option

Explore the given package state-space using the brute_force strategy. We assume that all the packages belong to the given universe.

val state_of_request : ?verbose:bool -> version_map:int OpamPackage.Map.t -> Cudf.universe -> Cudf_types.vpkg OpamTypes.request -> Cudf.package state option

Find a possible good state which satisfies a request. The idea is call iteratively this function while refining the constraints in the request until reaching a fix-point. This function tries to minimize the state to explore, based on the request constraints: the more constrained request you have, the smaller the state-space to explore is. Once the state-space is computed using state_space, it calls explore (which will use brute_force) to get an approximate solution to the request.

Convert a state into a series of action (withour the full closure of reinstallations). Raise Not_reachable is the state is not reachable. This function is called once we get a consistent state to build a solution than we can propose to the user.


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