package opam-lib

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

OPAM files

include IO_FILE
type t

File contents

val write : OpamTypes.filename -> t -> unit

Write some contents to a file

val read : OpamTypes.filename -> t

Read file contents. Raise an error if the file does not exist.

val safe_read : OpamTypes.filename -> t

Read file contents. Return empty if the file does not exist.

val read_from_channel : Pervasives.in_channel -> t

Read from channel.

val write_to_channel : Pervasives.out_channel -> t -> unit

Write to channel.

val empty : t
val create : OpamTypes.package -> t

Create an opam file

val template : OpamTypes.package -> t

Create an OPAM package template filled with common options

val validate : t -> ([ `Warning | `Error ] * string) list

Runs several sanity checks on the opam file; returns a list of warnings. `Error level should be considered unfit for publication, while `Warning are advisory but may be accepted

val validate_file : OpamTypes.filename -> ([ `Warning | `Error ] * string) list * t option

Same as validate, but operates on a file, which allows catching parse errors too. You can specify an expected name and version

val warns_to_string : ([ `Warning | `Error ] * string) list -> string

Utility function to print validation results

val is_explicit : OpamTypes.filename -> bool

Returns true if the given OPAM file contains 'name' or 'version' fields

val opam_version : t -> OpamTypes.opam_version

Get OPAM version.

val name : t ->

Package name

val name_opt : t -> option
val version : t -> OpamTypes.version

Package version

val version_opt : t -> OpamTypes.version option
val ocaml_version : t -> OpamTypes.compiler_constraint option

Compiler constraint

val os : t -> (bool * string) OpamTypes.generic_formula

OS constraint

val available : t -> OpamTypes.filter

Availability formula (OS + compiler constraints)

val maintainer : t -> string list

Package maintainer(s)

val substs : t -> OpamTypes.basename list

File substitutions

val build_env : t -> (string * string * string) list

List of environment variables to set-up for the build

val build : t -> OpamTypes.command list

List of command to run for building the package

val install : t -> OpamTypes.command list

List of command to run for installing the package

val remove : t -> OpamTypes.command list

List of command to run for removing the package

val depends : t -> OpamTypes.ext_formula

Package dependencies

val depopts : t -> OpamTypes.ext_formula

Optional dependencies

val depexts : t -> OpamTypes.tags option

External dependencies

val with_messages : t -> (string * OpamTypes.filter option) list -> t
val with_post_messages : t -> (string * OpamTypes.filter option) list -> t
val conflicts : t -> OpamTypes.formula

Package conflicts

val features : t -> (OpamVariable.t * string * OpamTypes.filter) list

Contents of the 'features' field

val libraries : t -> (string * OpamTypes.filter option) list

List of exported libraries

val syntax : t -> (string * OpamTypes.filter option) list

List of exported syntax extensions

val patches : t -> (OpamTypes.basename * OpamTypes.filter option) list


val homepage : t -> string list


val author : t -> string list


val license : t -> string list


val doc : t -> string list

API documentation

val tags : t -> string list

Classification tags

val build_test : t -> OpamTypes.command list

Commands to build and run the tests

val build_doc : t -> OpamTypes.command list

Commands to build the documentation

val messages : t -> (string * OpamTypes.filter option) list

Messages to display before taking action

val post_messages : t -> (string * OpamTypes.filter option) list

Messages to display at end of install

val bug_reports : t -> string list

Where to post bug reports.

val flags : t -> OpamTypes.package_flag list

The package flags that are present for this package.

val with_opam_version : t -> OpamTypes.opam_version -> t

Sets the opam version

val dev_repo : t -> OpamTypes.pin_option option

The package source repository address

val with_name : t -> -> t

construct as name

val with_name_opt : t -> option -> t
val with_version : t -> OpamTypes.version -> t

construct as version

val with_version_opt : t -> OpamTypes.version option -> t
val with_depends : t -> OpamTypes.ext_formula -> t

Construct as depends

val with_depopts : t -> OpamTypes.ext_formula -> t

Construct as depopts

val with_conflicts : t -> OpamTypes.formula -> t
val with_features : t -> (OpamVariable.t * string * OpamTypes.filter) list -> t
val with_build : t -> OpamTypes.command list -> t

Construct as build

val with_install : t -> OpamTypes.command list -> t
val with_remove : t -> OpamTypes.command list -> t

Construct as remove

val with_libraries : t -> (string * OpamTypes.filter option) list -> t

Construct as libraries

val with_syntax : t -> (string * OpamTypes.filter option) list -> t

Replace the syntax field of the given OPAM file.

val with_substs : t -> OpamTypes.basename list -> t

Construct as substs

val with_ocaml_version : t -> OpamTypes.compiler_constraint option -> t

Construct as compiler_version

val with_os : t -> (bool * string) OpamTypes.generic_formula -> t
val with_available : t -> OpamTypes.filter -> t
val with_maintainer : t -> string list -> t

Construct as maintainer

val with_patches : t -> (OpamTypes.basename * OpamTypes.filter option) list -> t

Construct as patches

val with_bug_reports : t -> string list -> t

Construct using bug_reports

val with_depexts : t -> OpamTypes.tags option -> t

Construct using depexts

val with_flags : t -> OpamTypes.package_flag list -> t
val with_dev_repo : t -> OpamTypes.pin_option option -> t

Convert to OPAM 1.0


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