package cudf

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type version = int
type relop = [
  1. | `Eq
  2. | `Geq
  3. | `Gt
  4. | `Leq
  5. | `Lt
  6. | `Neq
type constr = (relop * version) option
type pkgname = string
type vpkg = pkgname * constr
type vpkglist = vpkg list
type enum_keep = [
  1. | `Keep_feature
  2. | `Keep_none
  3. | `Keep_package
  4. | `Keep_version
type vpkgformula = vpkg list list
type veqpkg = pkgname * ([ `Eq ] * version) option
type veqpkglist = veqpkg list
type typ = [
  1. | `Bool
  2. | `Enum of string list
  3. | `Ident
  4. | `Int
  5. | `Nat
  6. | `Pkgname
  7. | `Posint
  8. | `String
  9. | `Typedecl
  10. | `Veqpkg
  11. | `Veqpkglist
  12. | `Vpkg
  13. | `Vpkgformula
  14. | `Vpkglist
val keep_type : typ
val keep_enums : string list
type typedecl1 = [
  1. | `Bool of bool option
  2. | `Enum of string list * string option
  3. | `Ident of string option
  4. | `Int of int option
  5. | `Nat of int option
  6. | `Pkgname of string option
  7. | `Posint of int option
  8. | `String of string option
  9. | `Typedecl of typedecl option
  10. | `Veqpkg of veqpkg option
  11. | `Veqpkglist of veqpkglist option
  12. | `Vpkg of vpkg option
  13. | `Vpkgformula of vpkgformula option
  14. | `Vpkglist of vpkglist option
and typedecl = (string * typedecl1) list
type typed_value = [
  1. | `Bool of bool
  2. | `Enum of string list * string
  3. | `Ident of string
  4. | `Int of int
  5. | `Nat of int
  6. | `Pkgname of string
  7. | `Posint of int
  8. | `String of string
  9. | `Typedecl of typedecl
  10. | `Veqpkg of veqpkg
  11. | `Veqpkglist of veqpkglist
  12. | `Vpkg of vpkg
  13. | `Vpkgformula of vpkgformula
  14. | `Vpkglist of vpkglist
val type_of_typedecl : typedecl1 -> typ
val typedecl_of_value : typed_value -> typedecl1
val value_of_typedecl : typedecl1 -> typed_value option
val typedecl_of_type : typ -> typedecl1
val type_of_value : typed_value -> typ
val cast : typ -> typed_value -> typed_value
type !'ty stanza = (string * 'ty) list
type loc = Lexing.position * Lexing.position
val dummy_loc : loc
val extend_loc : loc -> loc -> loc
val loc_of_lexbuf : Lexing.lexbuf -> loc
exception Parse_error_822 of string * loc
exception Syntax_error of string * loc
exception Type_error of typ * typed_value * loc
val is_eq_formula : vpkgformula -> bool

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