package oasis

  1. Overview
  2. No Docs
Architecture for building OCaml libraries and applications


Dune Dependency






OASIS is a tool to integrate a configure, build and install system in your OCaml project. It helps to create standard entry points in your build system and allows external tools to analyse your project easily.

OASIS first target is OCamlbuild, but other build system support is planned.

Published: 23 Feb 2014

Dependencies (6)

  1. ocamlbuild
  2. ocamlmod
  3. ocamlify
  4. ocaml-data-notation >= "0.0.11"
  5. ocamlfind build & >= "1.3.1"
  6. ocaml < "4.03.0"

Dev Dependencies


  1. ANSITerminal < "0.6.2"
  2. alcotest >= "0.4.8" & < "0.5.0"
  3. aliases
  4. amf < "0.1.2"
  5. archimedes >= "0.4.19"
  6. async-zmq < "0.1.0"
  7. aws < "1.0.0"
  8. bap < "1.0.0"
  9. bap-veri
  10. bare
  11. bench
  12. benchmark < "1.2"
  13. bisect-summary
  14. bistro < "0.3.0"
  15. bitmasks < "1.1.0"
  16. brotli < "2.0.3"
  17. brozip
  18. c3 < "0.4.0"
  19. callipyge < "0.2"
  20. caravan
  21. cbor < "0.2"
  22. containers = "0.16" | = "0.22"
  23. core-lwt
  24. corecount
  25. cow >= "2.0.0" & < "2.2.0"
  26. crc = "1.0.0"
  27. csvprovider
  28. ctypes < "0.2.3"
  29. deriving-yojson < "0.4"
  30. dropbox < "0.2"
  31. eigen < "0.1.0"
  32. elasticsearch-cli < "0.5"
  33. ezxenstore < "0.1.2"
  34. facebook-sdk
  35. farmhash < "0.4"
  36. flock
  37. forkwork
  38. gdb
  39. gdbprofiler < "0.2"
  40. genspir < "1.0.0"
  41. gperftools = "0.3"
  42. gufo
  43. hamt < "1.0.0"
  44. humane-re
  45. indexmap
  46. io
  47. irc-client >= "0.3.1" & < "0.6.0"
  48. javascriptcore
  49. jhupllib < "0.1.1"
  50. joolog
  51. ketrew < "2.0.0"
  52. libssh
  53. libvhd
  54. linenoise < "1.1.0"
  55. lmdb < "1.0"
  56. lutils < "1.44"
  57. lwt-binio >= "0.2.0"
  58. lwt-parallel >= "0.1.1" & < "1.0.0"
  59. maildir
  60. maxminddb
  61. message-switch >= "1.4.0"
  62. mirage-block < "1.0.0"
  63. mirage-block-ramdisk < "0.3"
  64. mkaudio < "1.1.0"
  65. mld >= "0.2"
  66. mlgmp
  67. mlmpfr < "4.0.2+dune"
  68. monadlib
  69. mpris = "0.1.1"
  70. mqtt_client
  71. murmur3 < "0.3"
  72. mustache < "2.2.0"
  73. nbd >= "2.0.1" & != "2.2.0" & < "4.0.3"
  74. netml
  75. nlopt-ocaml < "transition"
  76. nocrypto = "0.5.3"
  77. nunchaku = "0.3.1" | = "0.5"
  78. oasis2opam >= "0.3.3" & < "0.4.4"
  79. obus = "1.1.8"
  80. ocaml-basics < "0.5.0"
  81. ocaml-monadic < "0.3.2"
  82. ocaml-r < "0.1.0"
  83. ocephes < "0.8.1"
  84. odate < "0.6"
  85. ogen
  86. oloop
  87. omonad
  88. opasswd = "1.0.1"
  89. opium < "0.14.0"
  90. optimization1d < "0.5.1"
  91. osc < "0.2.0"
  92. otto
  93. owl < "0.3.0"
  94. pa_bin_prot < "113.00.01"
  95. pa_fields_conv < "113.00.01"
  96. pa_sexp_conv < "113.00.01"
  97. pa_typerep_conv < "113.00.01"
  98. pa_variants_conv < "109.15.04"
  99. pci-db
  100. pds-reachability < "0.2.1"
  101. perf
  102. podge
  103. ppx_bitstring >= "1.3.1" & < "1.3.3"
  104. ppx_json_types
  105. ppx_where
  106. qcow-format
  107. qrencode < "0.2"
  108. qtest < "2.2"
  109. radare2 < "0.0.2"
  110. ranger
  111. rdbg < "1.175"
  112. receive-mail
  113. root1d < "0.3"
  114. rope < "0.6"
  115. rpc >= "1.9.51" & < "5.9.0"
  116. rtime
  117. sanlock
  118. secp256k1 < "0.2.5"
  119. shared-block-ring >= "2.3.0" & < "3.0.0"
  120. shared-secret < "0.4"
  121. should
  122. sid
  123. simple_pam
  124. sociaml-facebook-api
  125. sociaml-oauth-client
  126. sociaml-tumblr-api
  127. sociaml-vcard
  128. sqlexpr < "0.5.5"
  129. sqlite3EZ
  130. starterkit
  131. stationary
  132. subtype-refinement < "0.2"
  133. syndic = "1.5"
  134. syslog-message < "0.0.2"
  135. tallgeese
  136. telegraml < "2.2.0"
  137. tls = "0.7.1"
  138. toml = "2.2.0"
  139. trakeva
  140. tsdl-image < "0.3.0"
  141. tsdl-mixer < "0.3.0"
  142. tsdl-ttf < "0.3"
  143. udunits
  144. usb
  145. usbmux >= "1.1.0"
  146. valentine
  147. vhd-tool >= "0.12.0"
  148. vpnkit < "0.1.1"
  149. webtest < "2.0.0"
  150. x509 >= "0.5.1" & < "0.6.0"
  151. xapi-forkexecd
  152. xapi-inventory < "1.2.1"
  153. xapi-rrd < "1.8.2"
  154. xapi-stdext
  155. xapi-tapctl
  156. xapi-xenops
  157. xe >= "0.6.3"
  158. xen-api-client >= "0.9.10"
  159. xen-gnt = "2.0.0"
  160. xentropyd >= "0.9.3"
  161. zbar
  162. zipperposition < "1.1"
  163. zmq < "4.0-7"
  164. zstd < "0.3"




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