package mrmime

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
val pp_atom : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> [< `CR of int | `CRLF | `Encoded of Encoded_word.t | `LF of int | `Text of string | `WSP of string ] -> unit
val pp : t Fmt.t
val equal_atom : [> `CR of 'a | `CRLF | `Encoded of Encoded_word.t | `LF of 'b | `Text of Stdlib.String.t | `WSP of Stdlib.String.t ] -> [> `CR of 'a | `CRLF | `Encoded of Encoded_word.t | `LF of 'b | `Text of Stdlib.String.t | `WSP of Stdlib.String.t ] -> bool
val equal : [> `CR of 'a | `CRLF | `Encoded of Encoded_word.t | `LF of 'b | `Text of Stdlib.String.t | `WSP of Stdlib.String.t ] list -> [> `CR of 'a | `CRLF | `Encoded of Encoded_word.t | `LF of 'b | `Text of Stdlib.String.t | `WSP of Stdlib.String.t ] list -> bool
val is_obs_utext_valid_string : string -> bool
val make_word : ?breakable:bool -> string -> ([> `Encoded of Encoded_word.t | `Text of string ], [ `Msg of string ]) Rresult.result
val v : ?breakable:bool -> string -> [> `Encoded of Encoded_word.t | `Text of string ]
val cr : 'a -> [> `CR of 'a ]
val lf : 'a -> [> `LF of 'a ]
val sp : int -> [> `WSP of string ]
val tb : int -> [> `WSP of string ]
val new_line : [> `CRLF ]
val only_spaces : string -> bool
val of_string : string -> Rfc5322.unstructured
module Encoder : sig ... end
val to_unstructured : field_name:Field_name.t -> 'a Encoder.t -> 'a -> Rfc5322.unstructured

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