package mrmime

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type phrase_or_message_id = [
  1. | `Phrase of Rfc5322.phrase
  2. | `MessageID of Rfc822.nonsense Rfc822.msg_id
type trace = Rfc5322.mailbox option * ([ `Addr of Rfc5322.mailbox | `Domain of Rfc5322.domain | `Word of Rfc822.word ] list * option) list
type 'a t =
  1. | Date : t
  2. | Mailboxes : Rfc5322.mailbox list t
  3. | Mailbox : Rfc5322.mailbox t
  4. | Addresses : Rfc5322.address list t
  5. | MessageID : Rfc822.nonsense Rfc822.msg_id t
  6. | Phrase_or_message_id : phrase_or_message_id list t
  7. | Unstructured : Rfc5322.unstructured t
  8. | Phrases : Rfc5322.phrase list t
  9. | Trace : trace t
type binding =
  1. | Field : Field_name.t * 'a t * 'a * Location.t -> binding
  2. | Lines : (string * Location.t) list * Location.t -> binding
type value =
  1. | V : 'a t -> value
val of_string : string -> (value, Rresult.R.msg) Stdlib.result
val pp : 'a t Fmt.t
val pp_of_value : 'a t -> 'a Fmt.t
val equal : 'a t -> 'b t -> ('a, 'b) Refl.t option

Innovation. Community. Security.