package mrmime

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
module Refl : sig ... end
module Value : sig ... end
type 'value decoder
type 'value decode = [
  1. | `Field of Field_name.t * 'value
  2. | `Other of Field_name.t * string
  3. | `Lines of (string * Location.t) list
  4. | `Await
  5. | `End of string
  6. | `Malformed of string
val decoder : field_name:Field_name.t -> 'value Value.t -> Bigstringaf.t -> 'value decoder

decoder ~field_name witness queue make a new header decoder which will record any field_name which contains a 'v correspoding to the type witness witness. Length of queue must be a power of two.

val decode : 'value decoder -> 'value decode

decode decoder decodes given inputs and returns:

  • `Await if we expect more inputs (then, a call to src is needed).
  • `End when we reach end of the header (signaled by two CRLF tokens) with epilogue (string which is not a part of the header - and should be a part of the body).
  • `Lines (line, location) when we can not parse inputs as a binding of a field name and a value separated by a colon.
  • `Field (field_name, value) when we reach expected field_name (see decoder) with a well-formed already parsed value (see type witness of decoder).
  • `Other (field_name, value) when we reach a binding of a field-name with a non-parsed value. field_name can be equal to expected field-name notified to decoder but we are not able to parse value correctly according to type witness expected.
val src : 'value decoder -> string -> int -> int -> (unit, Rresult.R.msg) Stdlib.result

src decoder v off len refills decoder with v starting at off with len bytes. inputs must be smaller than the given space in decoder.


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