package mopsa

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type



include sig ... end
val with_context : 'a -> 'b -> 'b * 'a
val is_numerical_var : Mopsa.var -> bool
val empty_env : Apron.Environment.t
val print_env : Format.formatter -> Apron.Environment.t -> unit
val filter_env : (Apron.Var.t -> bool) -> (Apron.Var.t -> bool) -> Apron.Environment.t -> Apron.Environment.t
val fold_env : (Apron.Var.t -> 'a -> 'a) -> Apron.Environment.t -> 'a -> 'a
val exists_env : (Apron.Var.t -> bool) -> Apron.Environment.t -> bool
val constraints_of_var : Mopsa.var -> ((Apron.Coeff.t * Mopsa.var) list * 'a * 'b) list -> ((Apron.Coeff.t * Mopsa.var) list * 'a * 'b) list
val constant_vars : (ApronManager.t Apron.Abstract1.t * Binding.t) -> Mopsa.var list
exception UnsupportedExpression
exception ImpreciseExpression
val binop_to_apron : Mopsa.operator -> Apron.Texpr1.binop
val typ_to_apron : Mopsa.typ -> Apron.Texpr1.typ
val is_env_var : Mopsa.var -> ('a Apron.Abstract1.t * Binding.t) -> bool
val is_env_var_apron : Apron.Var.t -> 'a Apron.Abstract1.t -> bool
val tcons_array_of_tcons_list : Apron.Environment.t -> Apron.Tcons1.t list -> Apron.Tcons1.earray

Bindings between Mopsa and Apron variables

include sig ... end
val id : t
val name : string
val debug : ('a, Format.formatter, unit, unit) format4 -> 'a
val numeric_name : string

Environment utility functions


val print_state : Mopsa.printer -> (ApronManager.t Apron.Abstract1.t * Binding.t) -> unit

Lattice operators


val is_bottom : (ApronManager.t Apron.Abstract1.t * 'a) -> bool

Transfer functions


val is_var_numeric_type : Mopsa.var -> bool
val enforce_sign_constraint : Core.All.var -> (('a, bool) Core.Query.query -> bool) -> 'b Core.All.ctx -> Mopsa.range -> (ApronManager.t Apron.Abstract1.t * Binding.t) option -> (ApronManager.t Apron.Abstract1.t * Binding.t) option

Add the sign contraint (if existing) of a given variable into the relationnal domain

val vars : ('a Apron.Abstract1.t * Binding.t) -> Mopsa.var list
val ask : 'r. ('a, 'r) Mopsa.query -> ('a, t) Mopsa.Sig.Abstraction.Simplified.simplified_man -> 'a Mopsa.ctx -> t -> 'r option

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