package mopsa

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  1. Managers
Module type
Class type

Manager - access to the top-level lattice and transfer functions


type ('a, 't) man = {
  1. lattice : 'a Lattice.lattice;

    Access to lattice operators on the toplevel abstract element 'a.

  2. get : Token.token -> 'a Flow.flow -> ('a, 't) Cases.cases;

    Returns the domain's abstract element 't. A disjunction of cases is returned when partitioning is used.

  3. set : Token.token -> 't -> 'a Flow.flow -> 'a;

    Sets the domain's abstract element 't.

  4. exec : ?route:Route.route -> Ast.Stmt.stmt -> 'a Flow.flow -> 'a;

    man.exec stmt flow executes stmt in flow and returns the post state.

  5. eval : ?route:Route.route -> ?translate:Ast.Semantic.semantic -> ?translate_when:(Ast.Semantic.semantic * (Ast.Expr.expr -> bool)) list -> Ast.Expr.expr -> 'a Flow.flow -> 'a Eval.eval;

    man.eval expr flow evaluates expr in flow and returns the result expression.

    There are two kinds of evaluations: within the same semantic (simplifications), or to another semantic (translations). Calling man.eval expr flow performs both kinds of evaluations. The result e' of man.eval expr flow is a simplification of e within the same semantic. To retrieve a translation to another semantic, one can use the ?translate parameter: man.eval expr flow ~translate:semantic is a translation of the simplification of e in semantic. A common use case is to translate expressions to Universal with man.eval expr flow ~translate:"Universal". It is possible to control when the translation is applied with ?translate_when.

  6. ask : 'r. ?route:Route.route -> ('a, 'r) Query.query -> 'a Flow.flow -> ('a, 'r) Cases.cases;

    man.ask query flow performs a query to other domains. If no domain can answer the query, man.ask query flow results in a runtime error.

  7. print_expr : ?route:Route.route -> 'a Flow.flow -> Print.printer -> Ast.Expr.expr -> unit;

    man.print_expr flow is the expression printer for the type 'a.

  8. add_change : Ast.Stmt.stmt -> Path.path -> 'a Flow.flow -> Change.change_map -> Change.change_map;

    Add a statement to the changes map.


Managers provide access to full analyzer.

'a is the type of the toplevel abstract element, and 't is the type of local abstract element (that is, the type of the domain that calls the manager).


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